The Program Window is displayed if you select Node in Properties from the Main Menu when you have the Program Hierarchy selected. You can also open the Program Properties Window by double clicking on any Program node.
In VISION, the term “program” refers to your organization of things like courses, topics, and lessons. To some, a program means the curriculum outline, or syllabus of instruction. To be more precise in VISION terms, a program is everything above an objective that shows how the objectives are grouped and sequenced into a cohesive training system. The Program level names are purely symbolic, but each of the different types of training units determine what types of content can be stored within the program and how that information will interact (especially with the Learning Station).
Creating a Training Program Structure gives more in-depth information on program design activities.
See the Program Workscreen Overview for specific details for each page.
Common Menu Items discusses the common pages that all hierarchy nodes share, such as Document Links, Cross Reference, and Past Versions.
Unlike program levels in the Analysis and Objective hierarchies, the levels available to Program nodes don't have a significance as far as VISION is concerned. You can use them to define what a node is meant to be, but they will not impact the program. For VISION, the thing that distinguishes a Program Hierarchy node is whether it is classified as an Organizer or Training Unit, which you can do on the node's General properties page, and which will be explained next.
The default Program levels are: Program, Module, Course, Topic, Segment, and Chapter. These level names can be edited, and other levels can be added, using the VISION Security program.
Organizers can contain other organizer nodes and training units. These are meant to contain groups of training units or groups of organizers that contain training units, just as a course might contain multiple lessons or a module might contain multiple courses.
These nodes will have the following pages: General, Introduction, Summary, Cross References, Document Links, Action Tracking, Version Comments and Past Versions.
Qualification Card organizers will also have a Tasks page.
Organizers that have Training Units as children will also have a VLS Courses page.
A training unit is a level in the program structure that contains training objectives. This means that the levels above a training unit are really just “organizers.” You cannot add nodes below a training unit. Training units are the “leaves” in a program hierarchy “branch.”
Each type of training unit is built for specific training need, and each has specific requirements associated with it. On this table, each training unit's requirements in VISION are listed for reference. To see and explanation of each training unit's purpose, click on the training unit's name, or proceed through this section.
Training Units have the following pages: General, Introduction, Design, Tests, Questions, Cross References, Document Links, Action Tracking, Version Comments and Past Versions.
The Program's General page is where you can enter the Title, which will be displayed in the hierarchy. Optionally you can also do the following:
•Enter the node's Level.
•Designate the program as an Organizer or a Training Unit and select its type.
•Enter Comments.
•Add a User-Defined ID.
•Add a Cross Reference Number (this field is not associated with VISION'S Cross Reference system).
•change the Development Status of a program node to "Completed-Active" or remove it from "Completed-Active" status.
• Publish the training unit to the VLS on the LS Options drop-down menu.
Refer to “Creating a Training Program Structure” for more detailed instructions on this menu item.
The Introduction page contains an optional introduction to the lesson or course that this program node represents. Here you can do the following:
•Enter or edit a Word or PPT introduction.
•Publish the introduction for the Learning Station.
•Preview an HTML version of the introduction.
•View past approved versions of the introduction.
• Publish the training unit to the VLS on the LS Options drop-down menu.
The Introduction page contains an optional introduction to the lesson or course that this program node represents. Here you can do the following:
•Enter or edit a Word or PPT summary.
•Publish the summary for the Learning Station.
•Preview an HTML version of the summary.
•View past approved versions of the summary.
• Publish the training unit to the VLS on the LS Options drop-down menu.
The Design page, which is only available on Training Units, is used to organize the objectives and content linked to it. On the design page you can:
•View a list of objectives linked to the training unit.
•Open objective properties.
•Choose which content to deliver.
•Add transition statements between content objects.
•Add holds to pause a VLS lesson after a content object is viewed.
•Set the Questions Per Objective assessment properties.
• Unlink objectives.
• Rebuild the hierarchy if you get an error message from the database.
• Publish the training unit to the VLS on the LS Options drop-down menu.
Refer to “Creating a Training Program Structure” for more detailed instructions on this page.
The Tests page displays “static” tests linked to this training unit. Static tests are created in VISION and are not the tests created for the training unit in the Learning Station module. Here you can:
•Attach Static Tests to the training unit with the Actions drop down menu.
•You can generate a variety of documents, which are described in the Test Overview.
•The Assessment Profile button brings up a list of VISION Learning Station assessment profiles that can be attached to this training unit.
• Publish the training unit to the VLS on the LS Options drop-down menu.
If you wish to create a test for the program, start with Creating Tests Overview.
The Questions page shows questions that are linked to the objectives contained in the training unit. This page is only available on training units. If the training unit has the status of "Completed-Active", only questions with the status of "Active" will be displayed here. On the Questions page you can:
•You can open a question's properties by double-clicking on it, just as you would on an objective's Questions page.
•Check the VLS-Eligible box to only view questions that are visible in the VLS.
•Check the Active Only box to view only questions that are completed and ready for delivery to learners.
• Publish the training unit to the VLS on the LS Options drop-down menu.
You can see this same list in the Question links window below the Program Hierarchy.
This page (which is only available on the Qualification Card organizer) shows the Analysis hierarchy Task nodes that are linked to the objectives linked to this organizer. Note that this page only displays the Task nodes, not any of the other nodes that will be displayed in the window (suck as Elements or Skill/Knowledge nodes). On this page you can:
•Double click on a task to open its properties window.
This feature works with VISION Learning Station to track and resolve defects or other issues associated with the course material present from VISION Program nodes. On the Action Items page you can:
•View the list of Action Items associated with this program.
•You can select which action items to view in the Show drop down menu.
•Select whether or not to view items assigned only to you with the assigned only to me checkbox.
•See a description of the action item in the Description box.
• Publish the training unit to the VLS on the LS Options drop-down menu.
This feature works with VISION Learning Station to list courses made from this Program node. On the VLS Course page you can:
•View information about the VLS courses generated from this program node.