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VISION User Guide

Here you can edit the Program Introduction or Summary and control what content is shown in the Learning Station. The controls for both of these pages are functionally the same, so they are both presented here.

Warning Introduction and Summary content is only presented through the VISION Learning Station if it is entered into a Training Unit. Material entered into course organizers will not be included in the VLS course.

Introduction or Summary?

While the controls for both the Introduction and Summary pages are the same, there is one big difference between the two. Regardless of whether a student guide is being printed from the VISION Developer module or presented to learners in HTML through the VISION Learning Station, the introduction is placed before the objective content and the summary is placed after the objective content.

Actions Menus

Word Actions (Documents)

Click for menu of actions relating to the Microsoft Word content for this objective or this program introduction or summary.

New/Edit Document: This menu item reads "New Document" or "Edit Document", depending on whether Word content already exists for this objective or program introduction or summary. Select it to create or edit the Word content.

Delete Document: This button is enabled only when there is Word content for this program introduction or summary. Click to delete the Word content. If Word is currently selected (below) as the type of content to publish in the Learning Station, then any published content for this introduction or summary will be deleted as well.

View Past Approved Versions: View versions of this document that were approved in the past but have since been replaced.

Copy Local: Save a copy of this document to your local disk.

PowerPoint Actions (Presentations)

Click for menu of actions relating to the Microsoft PowerPoint content for this objective or this program introduction or summary.

New/Edit Presentation: This button reads "New Presentation" or "Edit Presentation", depending on whether PowerPoint content already exists for this program introduction or summary. Click to create or edit the PowerPoint content.

Delete Presentation: This button is enabled only when there is PowerPoint content for this program introduction or summary. Click to delete the PowerPoint content. If PowerPoint is currently selected (below) as the type of content to publish in the Learning Station, then any published content for this introduction or summary will be deleted as well.

View Past Approved Versions: View versions of this presentation that were approved in the past but have since been replaced.

Copy Local: Save a copy of this presentation to your local disk.

Convert to HTML Options for the VISION Learning Station

Use the publishing controls to control what gets shown in the Learning Station.

An important concept to understand is that the content displayed in the Learning Station does not automatically change when the source content is edited or rewritten. It changes only when that source content is "published", or converted to HTML. This is because the Learning Station content is actually a copy of the source content; that copy is generated or re-generated upon publishing.

Do Not use HTML

In the Learning Station, don't show any content for this program. If content was previously published for this program, then that published content will be erased.

Convert Word Content to HTML

The Convert button will publish the Word content authored here on this introduction or summary tab. Publishing consists of creating an HTML copy of that Word content, for presentation in the Learning Station.

Convert PowerPoint Content to HTML

Warning You can only use this action if you are using Office 2010 or earlier. If not, trying using "Convert PowerPoint content to MP4 Video".

The Convert button will publish the PowerPoint content authored here on this introduction or summary tab. Publishing consists of creating an HTML copy of that PowerPoint content, for presentation in the Learning Station.

Convert PowerPoint Content to MP4 Video

The Convert button will publish the PowerPoint content authored here on this introduction or summary tab. Publishing consists of creating an MP4 video copy of that PowerPoint content, for presentation in the Learning Station.



Publish the type of content (Word or PowerPoint) selected above. Publishing consists of creating an HTML copy of this program's Word or PowerPoint content, for presentation in the Learning Station.

Delete Converted

This button is enabled only if there is published content.

"Delete Converted" deletes the published content, which is shown in the Learning Station. This doesn't delete the source content: that is, the Word or PowerPoint content stored here.

Even after published content is deleted, you can republish the source content using the Convert button.


This button is enabled only if there is published content.

"Preview" shows the published content in a browser window (e.g., Internet Explorer), in order for you to see what it will look like in the Learning Station. The browser window might open behind VISION, so look for it on your taskbar if you can't see it.

Viewing the published content requires the creation of temporary files on your computer. When you're finished viewing the content, click the button that VISION presents for cleaning up those temporary files.

Past Approved Versions

This button is enabled only if there is published content.

"Past Approved Versions" shows the content that was previously published for approved (Completed-Active) versions of this program.

View Content Revision

View the revision selected above.

For Past Versions Only

The button is enabled only when a past revision is selected. It's not enabled for the current revision, in the top row. You can view & edit the current revision through the primary workscreen behind this window.

Save Local

Copy the revision selected above to your computer, in the folder of your choosing.

Since this is just a copy of the revision, it doesn't matter what happens to it.

For Past Versions Only

The button is enabled only when a past revision is selected. It's not enabled for the current revision, in the top row. You can save the current revision through the "Copy Local" action in the primary workscreen behind this window.

Go to Date

This will open another instance of VISION, adjusted to the date & time of the revision selected above.

The other instance will show the same VISION database, but as it was at the date and time of the selected revision.

In the other instance you'll be able to view what everything else looked like at that time.

For Past Versions Only

The button is enabled only when a past revision is selected. It's not enabled for the current revision, in the top row. The current revision belongs to the present, which is already in view in this instance of VISION.

See Also

Program workscreen overview