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VISION User Guide

View the options for the Action Items, Question Feedback, and DIF Surveys.

Action Tracking

TipNote that Action Tracking in the VISION Developer module is an extension of the VISION Web feature. You cannot use this feature without the VISION Action Tracking web module.

View action items entered in the VISION Learning Station.

Show ___ action tracking items

Select which action items to display: all, open, closed, or new.

Show only items assigned to me

Check this box to only display action items assigned to you. If none display, none are assigned to you.

Tip When an action item is assigned to you, you will receive an email from the VISION Learning Station.

VISION Learning Station/Connect Button

Launch the VISION Learning Station or VISION Connect.

This option will only appear if you have the appropriate license.

Action Items

This is a list of action items that fit the filter(s) you have selected above. Right click on a row in this window to open the context menu. You will need to right-click on a row, not the empty space below the rows.

Title: The name of the action item.

Status: The action tracking item's current state in terms of completion.

oOpen: The item's information has been completed, but has yet to be resolved.

oClosed: This item is either resolved, or will not be resolved.

oNew: This item has not been fully developed and requires more information.

Due Date: The date by which the action item must be resolved.

ID: The identification number associated with this item in the VISION Action Tracking module.

Assigned To: The User with a VISION Developer module account who is responsible for resolving the action tracking issue.

Date Assigned: This is automatically updated when the item is assigned. If the assignment changes, the date assigned will update to reflect the change.

Date Created: The date on which the action item was entered into the VISION Action Tracking module.

Program ID: VISION ID and title of the VISION Developer module program hierarchy node that was initially selected for this item.

Program Rev ID: The version number of the VISION Developer module program hierarchy node that was initially selected for this item.

Description of selected action item

A description of what needs to be done to resolve this item.

Question Feedback

This page lists feedback on the question from learners who have encountered this question on Learning Station exams. This is the place to review feedback, not enter it. Question feedback is entered only through the VISION Learning Station, during online exams, where the learner has the opportunity to enter comments about the question directly into the database through a computer interface. If your organization doesn't have the Learning Station, then you may ignore this page, since it will be empty for every question.

View question feedback entered in the VISION Learning Station.

Search Feedback

Click this button to open a search window in which you can enter criteria to narrow down the list of feedback items.

Show Feedback Menu

Choose how to display the list of feedback:

Feedback Questions: Feedback associated with each question.

Feedback Entries: Feedback organized as individual feedback records.


Double-click on a question to view the question's Feedback page in question properties.

See Also:

Feedback Entries



Task DIF Surveys

This page lists all of the DIF Surveys created in the VISION Learning Station across the projects that you have security access to.

All/Active/Inactive Filter

Choose which DIF Surveys to display, all of them, those marked as Active, or those marked as Inactive.

Task DIF Surveys

This is a list of surveys that fit the filter(s) you have selected above. Click the Tasks button or double click on a survey to open a window of the tasks in the survey. You will be able to open the tasks' properties from that window.

Tip Note that this list is informational only. You cannot make any changes to DIF surveys outside of the VISION Learning Station.

Active: A check here denotes that the DIF Survey is active and currently being used. If unchecked it is inactive, and being stored only for record keeping purposes.

ID: The identification number associated with this item in the VISION Learning Station module.

Tasks: The number of tasks on this survey.

Date Created: The date on which the DIF survey was created in the VISION Learning Station.

Title: The name of the Survey.

Description: Any description entered for the survey.

Tasks Button

Click the Tasks button or double click on a survey to open a window of the tasks in the survey. You will be able to open the tasks' properties from that window.

Warning While a survey is active you will not be able to make changes to the survey's tasks. See the VISION Learning Station Help to learn more.