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Common Hierarchy Node Properties

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Several menu items are common to all hierarchy nodes. They are: General Page, Cross Reference Page, Document Links Page, Version Comments Page and the Past Versions Page.

General Node Features

While each hierarchy node serves a distinct purpose, there are a few features that are common across the windows.

The name of project to which the record belongs is displayed in the top right of the window.


A red typeface warning will appear at the bottom of the window for records that are shared or are a descendant of a shared node.


Click on the Z or “Zoom” button Zoom at the bottom right corner of any content window to edit the contents in a large window with more editing features.


General Page

All hierarchy nodes have a general page, but their individual properties are distinct enough that each one is described with the rest of that hierarchy's unique pages.

Cross Reference


All hierarchy nodes have a Cross Reference menu item. This menu item shows all of the VISION cross reference table items that are linked to the record. The cross reference items are organized by cross reference tables (blue text) to which they belong. From this page you can:

The Link button opens a window for making cross reference links.

Use the Properties button (or double-click on a row) to view the properties of the selected cross reference table or item.

The Unlink button removes the selected item from this node.

The Open Table button opens the selected Cross Reference item or the table containing the selected item.

Warning Unlinking cross reference items is a permanent operation. Clicking the Cancel button will not undo any unlink operations that you have made.

For more information about cross reference tables, see Opening Cross Reference Tables.

Document Links


All hierarchy nodes have a Document Links page. This menu item lists files (for example, Word documents) and/or URL addresses that are linked to the objective.

The Document list shows documents (files and URLs) that are linked to the task.

The Actions menu has document-link operations. You can also right-click in the list for the same actions menu.

The Double-Click box lets you choose what happens when you double-click on a link (either open documents or show properties).

Click the LS checkbox if you want this document to be available in the VISION LS. Learners will be able to see it in the lesson.

For more on Document Links, see Document Link Properties.

Version Comments


Many hierarchy nodes have a Version Comments window. The Version Comments page has a window where you can record information on each revision that you make to a node. Here, you can:

enter an explanation for the revision.

Enter your own version number.

View the date of the latest revision and name of the user who made it.

Delete comments that are out of date.

Add RTF templates.

Past Versions


All hierarchy nodes have a Past Versions window. This page shows past versions of the node and what changes have been made to the node. Here you can:

See What Changed in past versions of this node.

View the Properties of past versions of this node.

Click the Jump to Date button to open a past version of the VISION Hierarchy.