The Program Properties dialog box is displayed when you select Node Properties from the Main Menu when a program is selected. This dialog box consists of the following tabs:
Tip: To get help on a specific field in any one of the tabs, click the ? button in the top right corner of the window. Then click your left mouse button in the field.
In VISION, the term "program" refers to your organization of things like courses, topics and lessons. To some, a program means the curriculum outline, or syllabus of instruction.
To be more precise in VISION terms, a program is everything above an objective that shows how the objectives are grouped and sequenced into a cohesive training system.
There usually are a number of levels that comprise a training program. Typical levels look something like this:
1.Course: (title)
a.Module (title)
i.Lesson (title)
ii.Lesson (title)
b.Module (title)
i.Lesson (title)
ii.Lesson (title)
The program level names (course, module, lesson, etc.) as shown above are only symbolic, and don't influence VISION's treatment of the program. What matters most is whether a program is an organizer or a training unit, and which kind of organizer or training unit it is. On the "General" tab, select "Organizer" or "Training unit" to designate a program as one of these. Then identify the type of organizer or training unit by selecting one of the choices in the adjacent droplist.
The program's entry in the program hierarchy will be accompanied by an icon that indicates its type, and you will be able to sequence Objectives into the training unit from a Workbench. The training unit is always the lowest level of a program structure; VISION will not allow a training unit to have children.
Programs marked as organizers can not have their own objectives directly. Instead, they are used to group the training units into a structured program defined by your organization.
Default Organizer
Qualification Card
Qualification Standard
Initial Training
Continuing Training
Instruction and Associate Exam
Instruction Only
Cognitive Exam Only
Hands-on Instruction (Lab, Simulator, OJT)
Performance Assessment (Task)
Performance Assessment (Objective-Task)
Performance Assessment (Objective)
Performance Assessment (Task Auto-Credit)
Personalized Remediation
Outside Requirement
Use this menu to preview or publish questions for the VISION Learning Station.
•Preview in VISION Web: Use VISION Web to view the training unit.
•Publish in VISION Web: Make the training unit ready for delivery in the VISION Learning Station.