This tab displays the general fields used by all Analysis record types.
This optional field is available in Tasks and Elements.
Check this box if this task or element is critical for training. The "Critical" designation is mainly for your use; VISION does not treat tasks marked "Critical" differently from other tasks.
This optional field is available in Tasks and Elements.
Check this box if this task must be performed during training. The "Must Perform" designation is mainly for your use; VISION does not treat tasks marked "Must Perform" differently from other tasks.
The Project box shows the owning project, which can be changed by selecting a different project.
This is the name of the project that "owns" this data object. This, the owning project, isn't necessarily the project you are currently logged in to.
Your permissions in the owning project, not the logged project, dictate whether you can edit the data object.
If you have permission to edit this object, you can reassign (move) it to a different project by selecting that project in this list.
Since reassigning data to another project amounts to creating a new object in that project, you can therefore transfer ownership only to projects in which you have write permission for this data type. Only those projects, not necessarily all projects, appear in this list.
You must, at a minimum, fill in the Text field since this is the text displayed in the hierarchy for this record.
Use this field to enter the text for the Analysis record. It is originally entered from the hierarchy perspective and is used when displaying the text in the hierarchy. You can modify this field by typing directly into this field. To enlarge (or zoom) the window, click the Z button.
Open/edit this content in the large, expandable editing window, equipped with menu bar and toolbars. When you close the large window, its contents will get transferred back into this panel.
This Task is ready to appear on the following official reports:
•Job Qualification Card
•Master Task List
•Task DIF Survey
•Task Training Recommendation
This box is automatically checked when a task is created, uncheck it to prevent it from appearing on these reports.
This field is optional.
Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Comments" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.
To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all analysis items in the project.
This field is optional.
VISION data objects are already identified by System ID, the unique number that VISION automatically assigns to an object at its creation. However, you may have your own alphanumeric scheme for identifying data objects. You can assign an ID to this data object (using that scheme) here, in the User Defined ID field.
VISION won't stop you from assigning an ID that is already assigned to another object. It is up to you to ensure that the IDs are unique, if you want them to be.
This field is optional.
Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Cross Reference Number" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.
To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all programs in the project.
Note that the "Cross Reference Number" field is not associated with VISION's cross reference tables.
The identification number generated by VISION. This field is not editable.