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VISION User Guide

The General tab is for entering identification information:

See Also

Program workscreen overview

Program Exam Weighting

Program Prerequisites

Level Name

These levels are used for organizing your program structure and are used on some reports. Select the level name from the drop-down menu.


Use this workscreen to enter the title of the program. For example, a title of a course might be ‘Airframe Maintenance.’ A title of a module within the course might be ‘Cargo Doors.’

Note: The title text will appear in the hierarchy for this program unit.

TipTip: For additional edit features, click the right mouse button while in the field. To enlarge (or zoom) the window, click the Z button.

Program Types

Training Units

Organizer Types

Training Unit Types


Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Comments" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.

To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all programs in the project.

User Defined ID

VISION data objects are already identified by System ID, the unique number that VISION automatically assigns to an object at its creation. However, you may have your own alphanumeric scheme for identifying data objects. You can assign an ID to this data object (using that scheme) here, in the User Defined ID field.

Note: VISION won't stop you from assigning an ID that is already assigned to another object. So it is up to you to ensure that the IDs are unique, if you want them to be.

Cross Reference Number

Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Cross Reference Number" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.

To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all analysis items in the project.

Development Status

Use this field to document the status of the program. Choose the appropriate status from the pull-down list.

The "Completed-Active" status is a key status. It is the required status for some actions and relationships involving a training unit. The system will inform you of those cases as they arise.

"Completed-Active" Programs

The program's status must be "Completed-Active" before it can be seen by learners. If you are not sure what to do to put a Program into Completed-Active status, review the items on the Program Status Checklist.

Plus1Program Status Checklist

System ID

Upon the creation of a data object, VISION automatically numbers it, beginning at 1 for the first object and incrementing upward for each subsequent object—of the same kind.

Each kind of data object has its own number set. So, for example, at one and the same time there may be a job/task analysis object with System ID 123, a learning objective with System ID 123, and a question with System ID 123. Within a single kind of object, however, the System ID is unique, even across projects. So there will never be two job/task analysis items with System ID 123 (for example).

The System ID is not editable, and the same System ID never gets reused for the same kind of data. For example, even if the learning objective 123 is deleted, the System ID 123 will never be used again for a learning objective (in that VISION database).