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VISION User Guide

A training unit may become associated indirectly with many exams, through its usage on those exams. But in addition to this indirect association, a training unit and an exam can also be explicitly linked together, to signify a close relationship between them. This tab lists those exams that have been explicitly linked to this training unit.


Only "static" exams can be linked in this way. A static exam is one that is created in this program, the VISION Developer, as opposed to the "dynamic" exams created by the Learning Station.

Also, this tab is active only for certain varieties of training units:

PI Cog Exam Only        Cognitive Exam Only

PI Instruction and Exam        Instruction and Associated Exam

PI Hands On Instr        Hands-on Instruction (Lab, Simulator, OJT)

Only these kinds of training units may be linked to exams.

Static Tests

These are the static exams that have been explicitly linked to this training unit. To link a static exam, drag it from the Test Search window and drop it here.

Right-click here, or click the Actions button, for a menu of operations pertaining to the selected exam.

Click a column header to sort the list by that column.

TipThese are the same columns that appear on the Test Search Workscreen. Click the link for more information on Disqualified and Archived tests.


Click for a menu of operations pertaining to the exam selected above. The same menu can be accessed by right-clicking on the list above.

Assessment Profile

If you use the VISION Learning Station, click this button to choose a predefined question selection profile to be used for this training unit. When an online exam is subsequently created from this training unit, the questions will be drawn from among the training unit's objectives according to the chosen profile. The profiles themselves are defined in the Learning Station.

The VISION Learning Station is a for-sale extension to the VISION base product (the "Developer"). Whereas the VISION Developer manages the training package, the Learning Station manages the delivery of that package to actual employees.

Among other things, the Learning Station can be used to administer proctor-assisted, computer-based exams to the employees, on the training content maintained in the VISION Developer.

For more information about the Learning Station, contact FOCUS Learning at 1-800-458-5116.