This tab shows all cross reference table items linked to this record. The cross reference items are grouped by the cross reference tables (blue text) they belong to.
This window shows all cross reference items that have been linked to this data record. The cross reference items are organized by the cross reference tables (blue text) to which they belong.
Use this button to link cross references to this data record.
A window opens, in which you can pick the items to link. After closing the window, the linked items appear in the panel above. (You can also edit, create, and delete cross references through the window.)
This isn't the only way to link to cross references. You can also link from the workbench, after opening the cross reference tables in advance. But this button offers a quick and direct way to make links.
These are the cross reference items belonging to the table selected in the upper panel. Click on any column header to sort the list by that column. Right-click on the item list for a menu of operations.
The "Linked" column shows which items from that table (if any) are linked to the current data object (shown at top of window). Click on a checkbox in the "Linked" column to link or unlink an item to the current data object. You can also use the menu to link and unlink items.
Double-click on an item, or press Enter, to edit it. Use the menu or keyboard keys to insert or delete items. (Edit, insert, and delete are available only if you have editing privileges on the table.)
This is the data object that you are currently editing. (The background color matches the hierarchy background color.) The links indicated in the bottom panel are links to this object.
Use this button to unlink each highlighted item from this record.
Note: Unlinking is a permanent operation. Clicking the Cancel button will not undo any unlink operations that you have made.
Use this button to show the properties of the selected table or item.
Tip: You can also double-click your left mouse button on the table or item to show properties.
Use this button to open the Cross Reference Table window for the currently selected table or item. If an item is selected, the table window will open for that item.
Note: When the table window is opened, it will open behind this workscreen. Before you can use the table, you will need to exit the workscreen.
Using this window, you can link a data record to cross reference items, thereby adding attributes to the data record. (To read more about the purpose of cross reference items, see What are Cross Reference Tables?)
The annotated picture below explains the window.