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VISION User Guide

TipNote that Action Tracking in the VISION Developer module is an extension of the VISION Web feature. You cannot use this feature without the VISION Action Tracking web module.

The Action Tracking feature gives users of any security level a way to report problems with the content that they are using or administering. The issue can be connected to the VISION Developer module item that it concerns, so a VISION Developer user can go into the system, reference the details of the issue, and fix it.

Show ___ action tracking items: Select which action items to display: all, open, closed, or new.

Show only items assigned to me: Check this box to only display action items assigned to you. If none display, none are assigned to you.

Action Items: This is a list of action items that fit the filter(s) you have selected above. Right click in this window to open the Right Click menu.

Description of selected action item: A description of what needs to be done to resolve this item.