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VISION User Guide

The Questions tab displays a list of test questions that are linked to the object.

Question List

This is a list of questions that are currently linked to the object. The two-character abbreviation in front of the text indicates the type of question. The text comes from the Topic field in the question and is entered by the author of the question.

TipTip: You can see this same list in the 'Questions Linked to' window of a workbench when you select the object in the hierarchy.


Click this button to create a new question and link it to the object. From the menu that appears, select what type of question you want to create from the pull-down menu; then the Question workscreen will appear. Several types of questions are available.


Click this button to show the properties of the selected question.

TipTip: You can also double-click on the question to show its properties.


Click this button to delete the question from the database. VISION will ask you to verify if you want to delete the question.

Note: If the question is linked to another object, the question will not be deleted; it will only be unlinked.

WarningWarning: If you delete a scenario question, the scenario's sub-questions will also be deleted.


Click this button to unlink the selected question from the object. VISION will ask you to verify if you want to unlink the question.

TipTip: If your goal here is to relink the question to a different object, you should do this operation from a Workbench. In the Workbench, you can unlink the question and place it in the holding bin. From the holding bin, you can link the question to a different object.


Click this button to preview the selected questions as they will appear on a generated test.

Note: If you are previewing a multiple-choice question and the 'randomize' check box is selected in the Distractors tab after clicking the Properties button, the correct answer will always appear in the first position (as distractor 'A'). However, the answer and distractors will be randomized when you build a test where the question appears.


Click this button if you get an error when linking or unlinking a question. If the rebuild process is successful, you should be able to perform the operation again without error.

Show Practice Questions

How many practice questions from this objective will be presented in the Learning Station. Only questions marked "Authorized for practice" are eligible.

See Also

Question Workscreen Overview

Steps for writing test questions for Objectives

Advisor See Also See also the following Advisor topic: Writing test questions for Objectives