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VISION User Guide

On this page you can view past versions of this data entity (if there are any). A new version is created every time you click the OK button. Thus one revision might differ only slightly from its preceding version, or it might differ a lot.

Understand that prior versions can not be edited; they can only be viewed.

The upper pane, "Past Versions", lists all the versions of this data object, with the current version listed at top. You can view an earlier version by double-clicking any row below the top row, or by selecting that row and clicking the "Version Properties" button.

The lower pane, "What changed?", identifies the parts of this entity that were changed in the version selected in the upper pane.

Approved Versions

Approved versions are marked with an asterisk. Approved means finished or ready for use. Specifically it means the version is in the following status, depending on its entity type:

Entity Type

Approved Status











Qual Card


See Also

Analysis Workscreen Overview

Viewing Older Versions of Data

You can view older versions by visiting the "Past Versions" tab on the workscreens of individual data objects, or you can view the whole database as it was at a prior time.

Viewing past versions of an individual data object

On a data object's "Past Versions" tab, double-click on a past version.


Viewing the whole database as it was at a prior time

There are 3 ways to do this:

Use the "Jump to Date" button illustrated above, located on the Past Versions tab of a data object. This action will open another instance of VISION that shows the database as it was on the date/time of the version you selected.


Or, at login, checkmark the "Pick past version…" checkbox before clicking Connect. That will open a window in which you can choose a past date and time.


Or, from the VISION main menu bar, select menu item Versioning Arrow Jump to Date


That will open a window for selecting the past date/time of your choice. It is the same window opened by the previous method described above.

Past Versions List

This box lists all the versions of this data entity, with the current version listed at top. Approved versions are marked with an asterisk (*) and, on the Question Properties Past Versions page, questions that have been disqualified are in red, strikethrough text (RED).

Select a row, and the lower pane will list what changed in that version. Double-click any row below the top row to view that version.

Version Properties

This button shows the properties of the version selected above, in the "Past Versions" pane. Double-clicking on a past version does the same thing.

The selected past revision will be displayed in another workscreen window just like this one. Past versions can be viewed, but not changed.

TipThe For Past Versions Only button is enabled only when a past revision is selected. It's not enabled for the current revision, in the top row, which is already in view in this workscreen.

Jump to Date

This will open another instance of VISION set to the date & time of the version selected above, in the "Past Versions" pane.

The other instance will show the same VISION database, but as it was at the date and time of the selected revision.

You'll be able to view what everything else looked like at that time.

TipThe For Past Versions Only button is enabled only when a past revision is selected. It's not enabled for the current revision, in the top row, which is already in view in this workscreen.

What changed?

This box lists the properties of this entity that were changed in the version selected above in the "Past Versions" window pane.

This information gives a sense of how much one version differs from the one preceding it.