The Analysis Workscreen window is displayed whenever you show the properties of an Analysis item.
The Analysis Workscreen window is displayed when you select Node Properties from the Main Menu if you are in any window that displays Analysis nodes. This dialog box consists of one or more tabs that make up the properties of the current node.
The number of tabs displayed depends on the type of Analysis node you are currently working on, as follows:
•General All analysis record types
•Questions Skill/Knowledge items only
•Selection Tasks only
•Conditions and Standards Tasks and Elements only
•Procedure Tasks and Elements only
•OJT Notes Tasks and Elements only
•Task Analysis Tasks only
•DIF Survey Comments Tasks only
•Qualifications Tasks only
•Cross References All analysis record types
•Document Links All analysis record types
•Version Comments Tasks only
•Past Versions All analysis record types
Tip: To get help on a specific field in any one of the tabs, click the ? button in the top right corner of the window. Then click your left mouse button in the field.
The following are the symbols and the corresponding level names used in the Analysis Hierarchy:
Job Position
Responsibility Area
Element (also referred to as the “steps” under a task)