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Analyzing a Job Position

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Job analysis is the process of breaking a job down into its component parts.  One of the major outcomes of a job analysis is a complete list of the tasks that make up the job.  

There are several ways to approach a job analysis.  One is to simply write a list of tasks, usually with the help of job incumbents.  But this method can be difficult, and important tasks can easily be overlooked.

There is another approach to job analysis that helps to produce a more complete and better organized list of tasks.  The tasks are derived through a structured, top-down analysis of the job.  The result is a hierarchy that represents the way the job is organized.  The hierarchy becomes a tool that helps to identify the tasks more systematically, while arranging them in the context of the whole job.

The Structure of a Job Analysis Hierarchy

Deciding What Job to Analyze

Breaking a Job into Responsibility Areas

Identifying Functions (or Duty Areas)

When Duty Areas Have Phases

Finding the Major Tasks of a Job

Recognizing the Need for Sub Tasks

Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) Process - Overview