A procedure is typically a document that lists step-by-step instructions on how to perform some work or operation. In the past, procedures have been thought of as documents that are separate from training. This is because typically procedures are created long before a training program is set in place. However, many agree that it would be advantageous if procedures were more directly related to training.
VISION accomplishes this by extending your job and task analysis. In the job and task analysis, a task might represent the title of a procedure and each element (step) would represent a procedure step. Or the tasks themselves can be steps in a procedure. To capture the content for a procedure step, VISION provides a "Procedure" tab on the properties workscreen for tasks and elements.
To generate a procedure from within VISION, you must first complete the job analysis phase down to the task level. Once you have identified the tasks (procedures), you will need to break up a procedure into sub-tasks or elements (procedure steps) and enter the content for each step. Furthermore, if your procedures have any special characteristics such as utilizing tools and equipment or special safety considerations for example, you will want to capture these in a Cross Reference Table and link them to each procedure (task) as necessary.
Click in this box to add the task or element's procedure. You can type into the text box, or click the Z button for additional editing options.
You can also add an RTF Template to all Procedure boxes.