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VISION User Guide

There are various ways to select tasks for training and retraining. To weigh out which is which, VISION uses a common model based on the processing of "D-I-F" data:

D represents the difficulty of the task.

I represents its importance in considering the consequences of an error or omission.

F represents the frequency that the task is performed.

The D-I-F data is usually collected in numeric form on a scale from 1 to 6 for each variable. Sometimes the data is collected by distributing a questionnaire; sometimes it is gathered through a guided consensus meeting. The data is then compiled into an Analysis report in VISION called "Task Training Recommendation." It uses a mathematical model that places each task in one of these categories:



No Train

Job Aid Only

It’s not a perfect model. It is, however, widely accepted and fairly easy to implement.

See Also

Analysis Workscreen - Overview

Steps to Select Tasks for Training and Retraining

The VISION task selection algorithm

Is this task selected for training?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not this task has been selected for training.

If the task is not trained, you will not be allowed to create an objective from this task or to consolidate the task into an objective. This does not mean, however, that you should select the task for training just so you can create an objective or consolidate the task. Careful consideration must be taken before selecting a task for training. For more information on deciding whether to train or not to train a task, click the Help ? button at the top right corner of this workscreen. Then click your left mouse button in any of the Task Selection Data fields at the bottom of this workscreen.

If you choose to "deselect" a task from training, or change this option from "Yes" to "No", you will not have to unlink the task from any linked objectives, but you might wish to do so to keep your database up to date. You can do this on the objective's Analysis Links page.

Is it trained on a recurring basis?

If the task will be retrained on a recurring (periodic) basis, check this box. Then select the period of time (quarterly, annually, etc.) from the "How often?" pull-down list.

How Often

Indicate how often the task is retrained (for the same person).

If the correct time period isn't listed here, you can add a time period by choosing the list item [Edit List]. That list item appears only if you have permission to edit lists.

DIF Data

Usually, the decision to train or not to train a task is based on weighing together several important factors. VISION uses these factors:


(how hard the task is to perform)


(how critical the task is to operations, safety, equipment, etc.)


(how often the task is performed)

The DIF (Difficulty, Importance and Frequency) factors are assigned to each task as a numeric value with up to 2 decimal places. For example: 1, 2.2, 3.33.

VISION permits values ranging from 0 to 9.99; however, you may choose to limit your entries to a sub-range of this, such as 0 to 6 or 1 to 5.

The DIF values are sometimes obtained by surveying subject-matter experts (SMEs), averaging their assessments (if there are multiple SMEs), and then entering the average ratings into these fields.

VISION's "Task Training Recommendation" report uses a flowchart-like algorithm to weigh the DIF factors together to generate a training recommendation for each task.

TipTip: For more information on entering the DIF data, click the Help button.

Continuous Use Checkbox

Checking this box indicates that the task is performed in a continuous use procedure. If your organization uses the Nuclear Industry Standard DIF values, checking this box will deduct 1.5 from the basic Difficulty value for computing a training recommendation. The adjusted difficulty is displayed next to the "Continuous Use" checkbox.

Why is the task not trained?

If the task is not trained, indicate the reason. Select the reason that best matches the situation from the pull-down list.

If you do not see an appropriate reason in the list, you can add one by choosing the list item [Edit List]. That list item appears only if you have permission to edit lists.