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VISION User Guide

There are six types of links windows:


This window shows the analysis components that are linked to the objective or program (indirectly, via the program's sequenced objectives) that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which – objective or program.

Analysis Links Columns

These are the same columns found in the Analysis Hierarchy.

Plus1Associated Links between Analysis and Objective Nodes


This window shows the questions that are linked to the skill/knowledge item, objective, or program (indirectly, via the program's sequenced objectives) that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which – analysis, objective, or program.

Plus1Question Links Columns


This window shows the objectives that are linked to the analysis item or program that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which – objective or program.

Objective Links Columns

These are the same columns found in the Objective hierarchy.


This window shows the program training units that are linked to the objective or analysis item (indirectly, via the analysis item's linked objectives) that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which – objective or analysis.

Program Links Columns

These are the same columns found in the Program hierarchy.

Cross Reference

This window shows the cross reference table items that are linked to the data object that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which kind of data object it is currently showing links to.

Plus1Cross Reference Links Columns

Program Prerequisites

This window shows which programs are prerequisites for the currently selected program and which programs the selected program is a prerequisite for.

To select the prerequisites for any program, right-click on the program and choose "Prerequisites" from the popup menu.

Program Prerequisites Links Columns

These are the same columns found in the Program Hierarchy.