There are six types of links windows:
This window shows the analysis components that are linked to the objective or program (indirectly, via the program's sequenced objectives) that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which – objective or program.
Analysis Links Columns
These are the same columns found in the Analysis Hierarchy.
“Associated” links are indirect links that connect terminal objectives to tasks. When a task is linked to a terminal objective, VISION makes an associated link with all the objective’s children. When an objective is linked to an analysis item such as an Element or Skill/Knowledge, the objective will also be associated with the analysis node’s parent task.
How indirect links between Tasks and Objectives are made
For the most part, VISION will create these links automatically when you create objectives. VISION does not differentiate between any "strong" link between an analysis and an objective. Analysis items that are consolidated into or made directly into objectives are both strong links. Associated links are not as strong, but can still be inferred by the relationship between linked analysis and objective nodes.
You can also manually create an associated link between a task and objective in the analysis hierarchy by dragging the objective onto the analysis item. We recommend against doing this, but it is an option if you need to associate tasks to objectives that are otherwise unassociated.
Grades of Associated Links
Not all Associated Links are equal in strength. These links will be graded by the following metric:
•Grade 1 associated links occur when both the analysis and objective hierarchies support the indirect link. •Grade 2 associated links occur between either one of the analysis or objective hierarchies supports the indirect link. •Grade 3 associated links are those created manually, and would otherwise not occur between either the analysis or objective hierarchies because neither support the indirect link. These are the only associated links that can only be unlinked (deleted). |
This window shows the questions that are linked to the skill/knowledge item, objective, or program (indirectly, via the program's sequenced objectives) that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which – analysis, objective, or program.
This window shows the objectives that are linked to the analysis item or program that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which – objective or program.
Objective Links Columns
These are the same columns found in the Objective hierarchy.
This window shows the program training units that are linked to the objective or analysis item (indirectly, via the analysis item's linked objectives) that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which – objective or analysis.
Program Links Columns
These are the same columns found in the Program hierarchy.
Cross Reference
This window shows the cross reference table items that are linked to the data object that is currently selected in the hierarchy (or, optionally, in a search results window). The window title indicates which kind of data object it is currently showing links to.
Properties Page
Cross Reference Text
Cross Reference
Table Text
This is the only required column.
Cross Reference
System ID
Cross Reference
System ID
User-Defined ID
Cross Reference
User Defined ID
*Linked Docs
Document Links
Document Links
This column shows a checked box if this node has linked documents.
*Changed Docs
This column shows a checked box if this node has linked documents that have changed since the last version of the node was approved.
*Additional database reads are needed in order to fill columns marked with an asterisk. So the more of these columns you hide, the less time it takes to fill in the rows below. This may be significant only if your database connection is slow.
Program Prerequisites
This window shows which programs are prerequisites for the currently selected program and which programs the selected program is a prerequisite for.
To select the prerequisites for any program, right-click on the program and choose "Prerequisites" from the popup menu.
Program Prerequisites Links Columns
These are the same columns found in the Program Hierarchy.