On this workscreen you can view and edit the properties of the Cross Reference Table.
Note that the project name—or the word 'Shared', if the table is shared—appears opposite the label 'Table Text'.
Tip: For help on any component in the workscreen, click the ? button, then click on the component. Or, just click the right mouse button on the component.
The workscreen contains the following components:
Enter the table title here.
Tip: For additional edit features, click the right mouse button while in the field. To enlarge (or zoom) the window, click the Z button.
VISION data objects are already identified by System ID, the unique number that VISION automatically assigns to an object at its creation. However, you may have your own alphanumeric scheme for identifying data objects. You can assign an ID to this data object (using that scheme) here, in the User Defined ID field.
Note: VISION won't stop you from assigning an ID that is already assigned to another object. So it is up to you to ensure that the IDs are unique, if you want them to be.
This is the unique system ID number for this table. No other table (or table item) will have this same ID.
On this workscreen you can view and edit the properties of the Cross Reference Table item.
Tip: For help on any component (button, etc.) in the workscreen, click the ? button, then click on the component. Or, just click the right mouse button on the component.
The workscreen contains the following components:
Enter the text of the Cross Reference Table item here.
Tip: For additional edit features, click the right mouse button while in the field. To enlarge (or zoom) the window, click the Z button.
This is the unique system ID number for the table item. No other table or table item will have this ID.
Use the "Links to…" tabs to view all Analysis, Objective, Program, Question, or Test records linked to this item. From these tabs, you can access the linked data records, and even unlink them from this item.
There are five kinds of "Links to" tabs:
•Links to Analysis
•Links to Objectives
•Links to Programs
•Links to Questions
•Links to Tests
Only the ones that are relevant to this table item will be shown. For example, if the item is linked to nothing, then you won't see any of these tabs.
Tip: To see these same linked data records in a list or document (where they might be more useful), do a Cross Reference Query.
•Data links: This panel lists the data records—of the type indicated by the tab label (Analysis, Objectives, Programs, or Questions)—that are linked to this table item. Right-click the mouse on this panel for a menu of actions, some of which are also represented as buttons below.
•Unlink: Click this button to unlink the item from the highlighted data record(s). The link isn't truly broken until you click the OK button.
•Go to: Click this button to view the position of the selected record in a Workbench hierarchy window. If a Workbench is not open, VISION will open a Custom Workbench.
•Properties: Click this button for the Properties workscreen of the selected data object. Or, just double-click on the data object.
•Count: This is the number of linked data records showing in the list above.
Tip: You can also get help on any of these components by clicking the ? button and then clicking on the component itself. Or, just click the right mouse button on the component.