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VISION User Guide


Program Title: This is the program (also selected in the hierarchy) that requires the prerequisites listed below.

Prerequisites List: These are the programs that are designated as prerequisites to the program selected in the hierarchy. Program prerequisites are specified here, but are relevant only in the VISION Learning Station.

oTo add to this list, drag programs from the program hierarchy onto this pane. You can add training units, provided they are in the "Completed-Active" status, and you can add program organizers.

oTo remove prerequisites, select them here and then click Remove.


Prerequisite Requirements: Here you specify just how the prerequisite requirement is fulfilled when there are multiple prerequisite units. Are all of them required, or just any one of them? Or is it some mixture of any and all?

Procedure: Select a row and then use the right-click menu operations to specify AND or OR, and to insert parentheses to clarify mixtures of AND and OR. Note how the requirement statement below the list responds to your actions.

Enrolled: A checkmark in the Enrolled column relaxes a constraint: It means that a learner can visit a training unit prior to completing the one before it.


Edit Requirement: When this button is in its pushed-in state, you can specify how the prerequisite requirement is fulfilled through the training units listed above. Are all of them required, or just any one of them? Or is it some mixture of any and all?

Remove: Click here to remove the programs selected above from the list of prerequisites.

Go to Hierarchy: Click here to see where the selected program appears in the program hierarchy.

Program Requirement: The expression shown here indicates how the prerequisite requirement is fulfilled through the training units listed above. To change the fulfillment criteria, click Edit Requirement.

TipA green background means the expression is valid. A red background means it isn't. In that case, hover the mouse over the statement to read what is wrong with the expression.