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VISION User Guide

This tab is where you write the question and the multiple choices.

Allow Multiple Selection

Click this box to allow multiple correct answers in this question. That means that you will be able to select multiple answers for this question, though you do not have to.

This feature can be turned on or off for each Program in VISION Security. If it is turned off, you may still see this option on historical or imported Multiple Selection Multiple Choice questions.

Standard Multiple Choice questions are displayed with an QQ_MC (MC) icon, while Multiple Select questions are displayed with an QQ_MS (MS) icon.

Single-selection multiple choice questions can be on the same test as multiple-selection multiple choice questions.

There is no difference in appearance between Multiple Choice and Multiple Select questions on a paper test.

Plus1VISION Learning Station

Question Parts List

Question Stem and Choices

The question stem is listed first, followed by the choices. A checkmarked choice is a correct choice; an unchecked choice is a distractor. Also, the correct and incorrect choices are colored to help distinguish them from the stem and from each other. (These colors are not intrinsic attributes of the actual choice text, but merely row colors.)

The text displayed in a row is a shortened, unformatted representation of that question part. When a row is selected, the full contents of that question part appear in the panel below, where the part can be edited.

When first created, a question initially doesn't have any choices. Choices are created by clicking the New button, just below the list.

"Current" & "All Versions" Columns

If learner responses to this question have been recorded and the Stats button (in the Choices region) is pressed in,  then two additional columns appear in the list: "Current" and "All Versions". These columns indicate how many times (and percent of the time) the correct choice and each distractor has been chosen. This information also appears on the Stats page, but is shown here for convenience.

"Current" shows the statistics for the current version of the question only, while "All Versions" shows the cumulative statistics for all versions of the questions.

TipTip: Double-clicking on a row conveniently moves the cursor into the question part editor.


New Button: Click here to create a new choice. Type the choice text in the panel below. If the choice is the correct choice, then checkmark it. When entering the text for a choice, don't prefix it with any position letter (A., B., etc.). VISION will assign the letters to the choices when the test is generated.

Delete Button: Click here to delete the choice selected above. The button is disabled if no choice is selected.

Up/Down Arrows (Move): Move the selected choice up or down in the list above.

oWhen "Randomize" is selected: When "Randomize" is selected, the order of the choices here is irrelevant to their ordering on an exam, which will be random. The choices can still be repositioned here anyway, except for the correct choice, which is stuck in the first choice row when "Randomize" is selected.

oWhen "Randomize" is NOT selected: When "Randomize" is NOT selected (unchecked), the order of the choices here dictates the order of the choices on an exam. All choices can be moved, including the correct choice. Take care to properly position such choices as "All of the above," "None of the above," and the like.

Stats Button

If this question has responses, you can push in this button to display the "Chosen" column in the list above. This column shows the total number of times each choice was selected for all exams on which the question has been scored.This information also appears on the Stats page, but is shown here for convenience.

Tip Leave the button pushed out if displaying that column causes this page to load too slowly.

Randomize order on exam

"Randomize" is the default setting. As long as "Randomize" is selected, when the question appears on an exam, the choices will be randomly ordered. When "Randomize" is NOT selected (unchecked), the choices will always be ordered on an exam in the order listed above.

The random order is calculated at the time an exam is "built". So when you rebuild an exam, the choices for each multiple-choice question on that exam get rearranged. This also means that a question's choices may be ordered one way on one exam and another way on another exam.

For some questions, it isn't appropriate to randomly order the choices. For instance, if one of the choices is "All of the above", then you wouldn't want the choices randomly positioned. Instead, since you would want that choice to always appear at the bottom, you would move it there and unselect "Randomize" to ensure that it stays there on all exams.


Enter the point value for the question. The number can be a decimal value with up to two places (e.g., 2.5, 0.33, 1, etc.).

Warning Note: If a point value is not entered, VISION will not allow the question to be selected on a test.

An option, when creating a profile for a test, is how many points the test is worth. VISION uses the point value assigned to this field for every question in the test pool in order to determine how many questions to select for the test.


Suppose you define a test profile to produce a 60-point test. In that case, VISION will randomly select questions from a question pool, but will stop when the total value reaches 60 points.

Question Part Editor (Question or Choice)

This panel shows the contents of the question part selected in the list above. Here is where you write or rewrite the question stem and choices.

Note that the label for this panel (just above the panel's top-left corner) indicates which part currently appears here.

When you have finished editing a question part in this panel, there is no button to click to save your changes to that part. Eventually, of course, you will need to click the OK button to save all the changes you made to this question while its workscreen was open. But while you are still editing the question, you can safely select a different row in the parts list without losing edits you made to the previously selected part.

Answer Explanation

Optionally explain, justify, or clarify why the answer is what it is. VISION does not require an entry in this field. The answer explanation can be presented to instructors or learners through reports or through the VISION Learning Station.

Advisor See Also See also the following Advisor topic: Guidelines for writing multiple choice questions