A VISION Workbench window is divided into two windowpanes: the Hierarchy pane at the top and the Links pane at the bottom. You can resize the panes by dragging the pane separator bar up or down as desired.
This separator bar is hard to see. It lies just below the bottom borders of the hierarchy windows. Move the mouse slowly up and down in this area until the mouse pointer changes to a split up and down arrow. When the pointer changes to this image, then you can click and drag the bar up or down.
•Click the Context Help button and then click on any Main Menu command, toolbar button, or window, for a description.
•If the Auto Resize Hierarchy Windows menu option is checked under the Workbench menu, VISION will automatically resize the hierarchy windows if you reposition the pane separator bar or if you change the size of the Workbench window.
The Hierarchy windows are located in the upper region of the Workbench. If you opened a Workbench that is not a custom Workbench, VISION will have already opened one or more hierarchy windows for you depending on the type of Workbench you opened.
There are three types of hierarchy windows:
As well as opening different types of hierarchy windows, you can open multiple windows of the same type.
The links windows are normally located below the hierarchy windows, but they can be repositioned or even detached from the workbench frame. They show what data objects are linked to the items currently selected in the hierarchy windows.
If you don't see the links windows, then click the View menu on VISION's main menu bar, go to the sub-menu "Links Windows", and choose which links windows to show. (You can also right-click in a hierarchy window and use the "View Links Windows" sub-menu.)
There are six types of links windows:
•Cross Reference
•Program Prerequisites