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VISION User Guide

Below is a list of all menu options under the Cross Reference menu. The Cross Reference menu option will only appear in the menu when you are working in a Workbench or Cross Reference Table window.

TipTip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button Icon-Whats-This and select any command from the menu. Most of the commands below are available in the right mouse button menu in a Cross Reference Table window.

Open Cross Reference: (Alt+X) Open a Cross Reference Table window.

New Item: (Insert) Creates a new item in the current Cross Reference Table window.

Delete Item: Delete Item (Delete) Deletes all highlighted items. Alternatively, you can press the Delete key.

oNote: VISION will warn you if one or more of the items you are deleting is linked to one or more data records (Analysis, Objective, Program or Question).

Properties: Properties (Enter) Displays the properties of the selected item and enables you to view or to modify them.

oTipTip: You can also double-click your left mouse button to display the properties of the selected item.

Query Item: (Alt+Q) Find all data records (Analysis, Objective, Program or Questions) that are linked to any of the selected items in a Cross Reference Table window. The items can be selected before or after the query window opens. See Query Window Overview for more information.

oTipTip: Query Item is useful when you want to know what a table item is linked to. If you merely wish to know whether an item is linked to anything (Analysis item, Objective, Program, or Question), then check the menu item Cross Reference Arrow Show/Hide Columns Arrow Show Used. This displays a column in the list labeled "Used". A check mark in this column indicates the table item is linked to something.

Cross Reference Query Window


Linked Data Type: A cross reference table item can be linked to any of these kinds of data objects shown here. But the results list can show only one kind of data object at a time. So pick which kind of data link to search for.

oTo see cross reference links to multiple kinds of data in the same report, try the Table Links report, located on the Cross Refs tab of the Reports list.

In Project

Query This Project: Find Linked Data Objects Belonging to This Project

oChoose this option to list only the linked data objects that belong to this project. If the cross reference item is also linked to data objects in other projects, those data objects won't get listed.

oFor cross reference items in project-specific (unshared) tables, this is the only choice available, because project-specific table items can only be linked to data in the project they belong to.

Query Any Project: Find Linked Data Objects Belonging to Any Project.

oChoose this option to list all data objects (of the kind selected above) that are linked to the selected cross reference item, no matter what project those data objects may belong to.

oThis option is available only for cross reference items in shared tables, because only shared table items can be linked to data objects in multiple projects.

That are linked to...

Selected Cross Reference Item: This box shows the text of the last cross reference item selected. It will change if you select a different item. If no item is selected, then open a cross reference table and select one.

Show the results in

Document: Select this option if you want the query results displayed as a document. This is useful if you want to print the results of the query.

List: Select this option if you want the query results displayed in an active list, rather than a static document.


Query Button: Click this button to perform the query.

oTipTip: If desired, you can unlink records from the cross reference item used in the query. After the list is displayed, select the linked data object in the list and then choose Unlink from the table window's right-mouse-button menu.

oClose: Close the window without running a query.

oHelp: Open the Query Window Overview in the VISION Help.

Show/Hide Columns

Show or hide these columns:

Show Used: Show/Hide the "Used" column. A checkmark in this column indicates that the table item is linked to something.

Show Linked To Document: Show/Hide the "Linked Docs" column. A checkmark in this column indicates that the table item is linked to an external document.

Show Linked to Unapproved Document: Show/Hide the "Unapproved Docs" column. A checkmark in this column indicates that the table item is linked to an external document that has changed (i.e., is newer) since the link was established. This tells you that the document may need to be reviewed to determine if it is still applicable to the table item, or if the table item perhaps needs to be reworded as a result of changes to the linked document.

oTipTip: An unapproved document can be "re-approved" on the Document Links tab of the Cross Reference Item Properties workscreen.

Show User ID: Shows or hides the "User ID" column in the active Cross Reference Table window, which displays the item's User Defined ID.

Show System ID: Shows or hides the "System ID" column in the active Cross Reference Table window, which displays the item's System ID.

Linked Items

View Linked Items Only: Shows only those items that are linked to the selected node in the active hierarchy window of a Workbench.

oNote: If this option is selected, you cannot add new items or delete items from the Cross Reference Table.

oExample: If you want to see only those items that are linked to a task in an Analysis Hierarchy window, click on the desired task in the hierarchy. Select the "View Linked Items Only" option. The items that are linked to the selected task will be displayed. If no items appear in the window, then none are linked to the task. When you select a different task (or any other node) in the hierarchy, only those items linked to that node will be displayed.

Link: (Ctrl+L) Links the highlighted table items to the objects selected in the active workbench window. If multiple items are highlighted, all highlighted items will be linked.

Unlink:  (Ctrl+U) Removes the links for the highlighted items from the objects selected in the active workbench window. If multiple items are highlighted, all highlighted items will be unlinked.

Other Commands

Print Table: Click this button to generate an editable document of cross reference tables or items. You can print All items/tables on the list or just the ones you Select. You will also be able to choose which columns to include and how to sort the items/tables in the document.

Goto First Item: (Ctrl+Home) Selects the first item in the active Cross Reference Table window.

Goto Last Item: Goto Last Item (Ctrl+End) Selects the last item in the active Cross Reference Table window.

Logged Project: If the new table and its items are to be used by the currently logged project only, click this option.

Shared Project: If the new table and its items are to be used by all projects, click this option.

The Main Menu