Enter general information about the question on the General Info tab:
This is a required field, because the topic is the text that VISION displays for questions in a list. When the question is first created, VISION will enter a default topic based on the text of the objective for which the question was created. You can change it to whatever you want. It is limited to 100 characters.
Choose a status for the question from this drop list. VISION is indifferent to what status a question has—except for the "Active" status. The Active status is special in two ways:
•A question must be in the Active status to be selected on a test. (However, once selected on a test, a question will remain on that test—with a warning—if its status is later changed from Active.)
•An Active question can be modified or deleted only by VISION users that have been granted permission to edit Active questions (per project). Permission to edit questions in general, is not sufficient to allow editing Active questions.
Tip: If one of the statuses in the list reads "(Edit List)", that signifies that you have been granted permission to edit or add statuses to the list. Choose "(Edit List)" if you need to add to or edit the statuses.
The Question's status must be "Active" before it can be seen by learners in a test. If you are not sure what to do to put a question into Active status, review the items on the Question Status Checklist.
Note that VISION will not let you set a question to Active status until it is complete. This means that it must have a question stem and an answer, as well as:
•Multiple Choice questions must have at least one distractor and one answer.
•Matching questions must have all items linked to at least one choice.
•Scenario questions must have at least one sub question.
Optionally use this field to enter the estimated time (in minutes) that a learner will expend in reading and answering this question.
One of the options, when creating a question-selection profile for a test, is how long you want the test to take. So if you plan to create tests with profiles based on time, then you should enter an estimated time in this field. VISION sums the time for each question to calculate how many minutes a test will take.
Rate the difficulty of this question on a scale ranging from 0.0 (very easy) to 6.0 (very difficult).
The Difficulty field is optional. VISION itself doesn't need it, but it might be helpful to you. For example, the Summary page on an exam shows the average difficulty of the questions on that exam. In other words, it shows the average of the values entered in this—the Difficulty—field. If you never enter anything into this field, then the Summary page on every exam will always show 0.0 as the average question difficulty—not very helpful!
As another example, the question difficulty could be used as a criterion for selecting questions on a report, or as an exam question filter—but, again, only if you fill-in the Difficulty.
Keep in mind that the difficulty value is not likely to be useful if it is found in only some of the questions. Imagine an exam on which half the questions have a difficulty value and half do not. The so-called average difficulty, then, would be misleading.
Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Cross Reference Number" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.
To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all questions in the project.
Check here to have this question automatically selected on any exam whose question pool contains this question.
Check here to authorize the use of this question for practice in the Learning Station. This does not preclude the question from being used on a test; a question authorized for practice is still eligible for use on a test.
Why not always check this box?
•Only questions in an Active status can be disqualified.
•Disqualify a question if it is found to be unreliable or invalid as an assessment instrument.
•Only this version of the question that you are now viewing gets disqualified. And only exams using this version of the question are affected by its disqualification. To disqualify a different version of this question, open that other version from the "Past Versions" tab on the question workscreen, or from any exam that uses that other version. (Only Active versions of a question can be disqualified.)
•If the current version of a question is disqualified, the question cannot be used anymore until a new version of it is created (by editing the question). In other words, the ""Disqualified"" mark on a question is not carried forward to the next version of it. So if you edit a disqualified question, make sure you correct whatever is wrong with it before putting that next version into use.
• CAUTION: Disqualification occurs immediately; it can't be undone by later clicking Cancel on the question workscreen. Also, disqualification is irrevocable for the version that gets disqualified; you can't "requalify" a disqualified version of a question.
•Exams: Approved exams on which a disqualified question appears will also be disqualified.
•Online exams: Disqualified questions will be removed from the question pool for associated online exams, including practice exams.
•Online courses: If a disqualified question appears as content in an online course, the disqualified version of the question will continue to be delivered in the online course until the Training Unit has been revised and the new version of the question (if there is one) is selected for delivery.
NOTE: If you choose to disqualify this question, you will be prompted to enter a reason after clicking the "Disqualify Question" button above. If you click "Don't Disqualify", no changes will be made to the question, and no exams will be disqualified.
Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Comments" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.
To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all questions in the project.
Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Num Field 1" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.
To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all questions in the project.
Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Num Field 2" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.
To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all questions in the project.
Let the field label tell you what kind of information goes in this field. "Text Field" is the original label, but you may be seeing a different label, a label selected by your organization to better describe what it has chosen to use that field for.
To change the label, click on it. Changing the label changes it for all questions in the project.