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VISION User Guide

Here is an explanation of all of the tabs in VISION Security:

Users Tab

Security Profiles Tab

Projects Tab

Folders Tab

Tools Tab

Users Tab

These are the accounts that people will use to enter (log into) the VISION Developer module and its related applications, including this one. You can use these accounts to restrict access to specific projects or editing rights within different projects. You can also create or delete user accounts here.

Plus1 VISION Users List & Info

Plus1 User Privileges and Restrictions

New User/Save Changes

Click this button to add a new user record or save the user record you are editing.

Warning Note that in order for a new user to log into VISION, the user's login must also be entered either in Active Directory if connecting in single connection mode, or directly in your MSSQL instance if NOT connecting in single connection mode. This must be done outside of this program.

Delete User/Cancel Changes

Click this button to delete a user record or cancel your changes to a user record you are editing.

Exit Button

Click this button to close the VISION Security program.

Security Profiles Tab

Create and edit security profiles that define different levels of access.

The permissions a user enjoys in project "P" apply to objects "owned" by project "P". Those objects could appear in other projects, through sharing, but it's the owning project that matters. The name of the owning project appears on each object's workscreen, near the top right corner on the first tab of the workscreen. It also appears as the second project name in the VISION status bar.

Plus1 "Write" Permission

Plus1 Selected Profile

Plus1 Primary Access Rights

Plus1 Secondary Access Rights

One Profile, Multiple Definitions

A profile "definition" is the collection of access rights associated with that profile name. A single profile name can have multiple definitions: namely, a "general" definition and possibly independent definitions for one or more projects.

The general definition of a profile is used for all projects that don't have their own independent definitions of that profile.

That means a user who is assigned access to a project under a particular security profile enjoys the privileges specified in the general definition of that profile, unless there happens to be an independent definition of the profile for that project. In that case, the user enjoys the privileges specified in that project-independent definition of the profile, rather than the privileges specified in the general definition.

Plus1 General Definition

Plus1 Independent, Project-Specific Definition

Plus1 Deleting Profile Definitions

Plus1 Why Multiple Definitions?

Plus1 Technical Justification

Projects Tab

Set options for the selected project(s).

Plus1 Project List

Plus1 Access Sub-Tab

Plus1 Options Sub-Tab

Plus1 Files Sub-Tab

Plus1 Fonts & Labels Sub-Tabs

Plus1 Lists Sub-Tab

Folders Tab

These folders apply all projects. Relative paths are relative to the location of VISION.EXE. The default folder locations are acceptable when there is a single installation of VISION.EXE that everyone shares.

If, however, your organization uses multiple installations of VISION.EXE, then you should not use the default folder locations, because then each installation of VISION.EXE would have its own set of these folders to maintain. Instead, you should these folder paths to common network locations accessible to all VISION users, so that everybody shares the same files for reports, linked pictures, and so on.

"Default" Buttons: The "Default" buttons are enabled only where the folder differs from the default value.

Coloring: Pending changes are highlighted. Non-default folder values are lightly highlighted.

"Projects" tab, "Files" Subtab: A couple of these folders (Reports and Spell-Check) represent the base folders for the files identified on the "Projects" tab, "Files" sub-tab.

Personalized Locations: A VISION user can override any of these folder locations, for themselves only, through the Preferences window in VISION.

Tools Tab

This tab displays a list of VISION data objects that are currently locked.

What is a lock?

Normally, locked just means an object is being edited (its workscreen is open). The lock prevents others from editing the same object at the same time. That lock will get released when the editing session ends. Then the object becomes available to be edited again. You should not interfere with a normal lock.

Stuck Locks

After an abnormal event, such as an application crash, a lock might not get released, leaving a data object stuck in a locked state. That object will not be editable again until the lock is manually released. Here is one place where you can manually unlock a locked data object.

Identifying Stuck Locks

In the list, there is no certain way to distinguish normal locks from abnormal (stuck) ones. But the duration is a clue. A lock that has lasted for hours or days might be a stuck lock.

Releasing a Lock

You can release any lock by selecting it in the list and clicking the Unlock Selection button or by right-clicking on the row and selecting Unlock from the popup menu.


Click the column headers to sort by that column, or drag them to change their size or order.

Data Type: The type of object that is locked.

Data ID: The unique system ID of the locked object.

Locked By: The user who holds the lock on this data object.

Locked At: The time at which the object was locked.

Locked For: The amount of time that the object has been locked for.

Unlock Selection Button

Highlight the data object you wish to unlock and then click this button to unlock it. You can also right-click on the data object and select "Unlock" to unlock it.