Below are some of the items on the Window menu.
Tip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button
and select any command from the menu.
•New Window: Opens another window like the active window. So if a workbench is the active window, New Window will open another workbench. If a document window is active, New Window opens another document.
•The new window will be initially empty.
•Cascade: Stack all the open VISION windows in a neat, overlapping layout, like the menu item icon indicates.
•Tile Horizontally: Arrange all the open VISION windows side-by-side, as depicted by the menu item icon, so that all windows are fully visible.
•Tile Vertically: Arrange all the open VISION windows top-to-bottom, as depicted by the menu item icon, so that all windows are fully visible.
•Arrange Icons: Neatly arranges the icons of any minimized windows by lining them up in the lower left corner of the VISION frame.
oThis is normally where those icons are anyway, but it is possible to drag icons to any other spot within the VISION frame.
•Arrange Windows: Neatly arranges the Cross Reference windows around the workbench.
oThis action is only relevant when there is at least one Cross Reference window open.
•Close All Documents: Closes all the document windows, such as generated reports, while leaving other windows alone.
oCaution: The documents will be closed immediately without saving or asking you to save. So don’t use this if you have documents you want to save to file.
oClose All Documents is useful when you have let generated reports accumulate for a while, and their windows are now cluttering up your work area.