The Qualification Card Properties workscreen is displayed when you create a new qual card or view/edit the properties of an existing qual card. This workscreen has the following pages:
This is the window that opens from the Qual Card option on the Project menu. Use it to review qual cards, create a new qual card, or select the qual card you want to edit.
Sort the list of qualification cards by the following filters:
•All: Click here to see all qual cards in the current project. The current project is shown in the window title bar.
•Only: Click here to activate the filtering controls, located at right. The filtering controls are useful for shortening the list of qual cards, below. When used in combination, the filters are additive; the more filters used, the shorter the list.
•Status Filter: Select a status in this list to see – in the qual card list below – only those qual cards having the selected status. To "clear" this filter, select the item at the top of the list, "Any status". Alternatively, you can click the "All" button to suppress all the filters.
•Text Filter: This filter pertains to the qual card title. Whatever text you enter here reduces the list below to only those qual cards having that text somewhere in the qual card title.
Click on the qualification card or right-click in the list of qualification cards:
•Qual Card list: The list of qual cards in the current project. Note the current project is identified in the window title bar. The list is ordered alphabetically. Double-click on an entry in this list to see the properties of the qual card.
•New: Click New to create a new qual card in the current project. Note the current project is identified in the window title bar.
•Delete: Delete the qual card selected in the list above.
Note that the deletion is final. It isn't contingent upon clicking an OK button on the Qual Card window. However, you will get an "Are you sure?" confirmation box when you click Delete. VISION won't delete a qual card that is used in the Learning Station.
•Prerequisites: See or specify what lessons (training units), if any, an employee must undergo before attempting to qualify on this qual card.
•Taken By: How many learners have completed the qual card selected in the list above. (The colored text merely signifies "more that zero".)