Click the Reports button to generate a Course Summary Report.
Click the SOCCED Export button to see a list of learners who have completed this course and to generate a .csv file.
Note that if you edit a course, the position and names of some properties will change. Additionally, some of these properties will not appear for all courses.
•Delete Course Button: Click this button to erase these course settings. This will not do anything to the VISION Developer module lessons included in the course, and you will not be able to delete approved courses.
•Create Version Button: If the course is approved you will not be able to delete it, but you can create a new version that you will be able to update. Additionally, VISION will automatically move all of the learners who have not completed the course event to the new version.
oNote that if the lessons (Training Units) in a course change, a new version of this course does NOT reflect the changes. To add new lessons you would have to create a new VLS course.
•Archive Button: Clicking this button will remove the course card from the "Active" list and add it to the "Archived" list. Find archived courses with the Filter button on the Courses page.
•Edit Properties Button: Click this button to change the course's properties.
•Course Approved: Whether the course is approved and ready to be delivered to students, or unapproved and not able to be delivered to students.
•Course Required: Whether this course is required for all assigned learners to take. Assigned learners are notified if a course is required.
•Course Name: This option only appears during editing, otherwise the course name is on the page header under "Course".
•Organization (assigned to): If the course is organization specific, this is the organization that it was assigned to.
•Job Position (assigned to): If the course is job specific, this is the job position it was assigned to.
•VDM Project: The VISION Developer module Project that this course is associated with. Projects contain courses and determine who can use them.
•Course Training Type: Whether this course was created from a general, initial, or continuing type of VDM training unit.
oGeneral: You will be able to create this course from all of the training units in the appropriate VDM Project(s).
oContinuing: You will only select from "Continuing Training" training units in the appropriate VDM Project(s).
oInitial: You will only select from "Initial Training" training units in the appropriate VDM Project(s).
• Course Type: The way in which this course is intended to be taught. Note that this setting does not have any effect in the VISION System.
Select how often this course will be repeated. If it is repeated more than once, more options will be available. This feature behaves differently depending on whether your Course Type is External or Predefined.
•External Frequency: If you are using VISION Connect to deliver courses to an external LMS (not the VISION Learning Station), the frequency is how often VLS will let a student take a particular course.
•Predefined Frequency: If you are using the VISION Learning Station to deliver courses, frequency is only a guide to how often a course should be given, for your own information. It will not affect how the course behaves in VISION.
•Example: With a one year course frequency, a learner would be able to start a recurring course 12 months after its previous date. If this course became available on July 1st, a learner could start it on July 1st, the following year.
Note that time periods in VISION are specific. For example, if a course is available 4 weeks early, it will be available precisely 28 days early. If a course would be available on the 19th, but is available one month early, it will be available on the 19th of the preceding month.
This option is only available for Job Specific Courses.
•Course Expiration Period: This is the amount of time this course will be available to learners.
•Course Expiration Modifier: Add a grace period to Course Expiration and give learners additional time to finish the courses before it stops being available.
•Example: The course expiration modifier extends the expiration date to the end of period selected with the modifier. For example, with a one year course expiration period and end of month expiration modifier selected, a calculated expiration date of January 13 will be set to January 31. The end of quarter course expiration modifier will extend the expiration date to the end of a three month period based on a calendar year.
Note that time periods in VISION are specific. For example, if a course has a grace period of 4 weeks, it will be available for precisely 28 days. If a course's grace period starts on the 19th, but is available for one month longer, it will be available until the 19th of the next month.
•Course Status: Whether the course is Active, and ready to be used by learners, or Archived, and not available to be used and is being stored for record-keeping purposes only.
•Course Length: The approximate length of time the course will take to complete. This is determined by the "Time to Complete" of the lessons that make up the course.
•Course Prerequisites: Any courses that must be completed before learners attempt this course. Prerequisites are defined in the VISION Developer module.
•VDM Program ID: VISION Developer's unique system-generated ID for the VDM Program node that makes up this course.
•VDM Version ID: VISION Developer's unique system-generated ID for the version of the VDM Program node that makes up this course.
•Performance Assessment(s): The assessment profile assigned to the training unit either in the VISION Learning Station or Developer module.
•Cross Reference: These fields are created as place holders for necessary information used by the organization. All information put into these fields are stored in the database, but not used by VISION Learning Station.
•User Defined 1 & 2: These fields are created as place holders for necessary information used by the organization. All information put into these fields are stored in the database, but not used by VISION Learning Station.
•Time to Complete: This option appears when the course is being edited. The amount of time that the lessons in the course are expected to take to complete, as entered into the training unit in the VISION Developer module.
•Description: The description that learners see when they register for this course.
You may see a yellow "i" icon indicating that the assessment profile associated with this version of a course is not the same as the one that was assigned to the training unit in the VISION Developer module. You can see the title of the assessment profile by clicking on the same symbol under More Info.
•#: This is the system-defined identification number given to the lesson at the time of its creation. Each identification number is unique to that type of object and cannot be changed.
•VDM Program ID: The training unit's identification number in the VISION Developer module.
•VDM Version ID: The identification number of the specific version of the VISION Developer module training unit being used.
•Lesson: The name of the lesson as entered into VISION developer module training unit.
•Edit: Click this button to edit the lesson. If the lesson is approved and active, it cannot be edited and you will see a faded "no" symbol instead of an Edit button. Note that only certain lesson properties are editable in the VISION LS but nearly all properties are editable in the VISION Developer module.
•Time to Complete (Days): The amount of time that the lesson is expected to take to complete, as entered into the training unit in the VISION Developer module. You can edit this field by clicking the Edit button.
•Published for Web: Whether or not this lesson has been published to the VISION Learning Station.
•Trainers and Evaluators: Click this button to assign Trainers and Evaluators for a performance assessment. This interface is the same as the Qualification Trainer/Evaluator.
•More Info: Hover over this icon to view additional information about this lesson.
•Lesson Type: The type of VISION Developer module training unit that contains the lesson.
•Training Setting: The way in which this course is intended to be taught. You can edit this field by clicking the Edit button. The choices for Training Setting are as follows:
oSelf-Paced, Web: The learners will take the course and test individually, online, and according to their own schedule.
oInstructor Paced, Web: The learners will take the course and test online, but adhere to an instructor's schedule.
oInstructor Led, Classroom: Learners will take the course from an instructor in a classroom setting.
oOn the Job Training: Learners will be instructed in job tasks one-on-one in a normal work environment.
oExternally Assigned Unit: The course will be delivered by an outside LMS through an AICC link. This is the only course "Type" that will affect the VISION Learning Station's behavior.
•Assessment Profile: The assessment profile assigned to the training unit in the VISION Developer module. You can edit this field by clicking the Edit button.
oA yellow asterisk () indicates that the assessment profile for this version of a lesson is different from the VDM recommended profile (the assessment profile that was assigned to the training unit in the VISION Developer module).
•Prerequisites: Prerequisites for the lesson as entered in the training unit in the VISION Developer module.
•Description: The description that learners see when they register for the course that includes this lesson. You can edit this field by clicking the Edit button.
This tab is created to allow an administrator to search for individual learners and find them in their corresponding event. No learners will be listed until they have been added to an Active Event for the course.
Once learners are assigned to an Active Event, use the Search field to find which event the learner is assigned. Searches can be completed by ID, Leaner, User Name, UDID or Course Event ID. Clicking on the Course Event will take the administrator to the applicable Course Event.
Click the Add Event button to create a new course event and see the Create a Course Event Job Aid for instructions.
Enter numbers or text to filter the list of course events.
Click this button to select an Excel, PDF or Print Table version of the information on this screen.
•ID: This is the system-defined identification number given to the course event at the time of its creation. Each identification number is unique and cannot be changed.
•Course Event Properties Link: Click on the course event's name to edit or access the event's Properties page.
•Start Date: The date on which the course event started, which may be different from the date it was created.
Enter numbers or text to filter the list of course events.
Click this button to select an Excel, PDF or Print Table version of the information on this screen.
•ID: This is the system-defined identification number given to the course event at the time of its creation. Each identification number is unique and cannot be changed.
•Course Event Properties Link: Click on the course event's name to edit or access the event's Properties page.
•Start Date: The date on which the course event started, which may be different from the date it was created.
•End Date: The date on which the course event ended.
Displays the title of any defined alternate. Course Alternates are defined in VISION Developer, on the Course Alternates tab of the Course organizer.
Displays the User Defined ID of the alternate. This is the ID that tracks to an external substitute or "alternate" course.