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VISION User Guide

Click on the course that this course event will be for. Click on the Active Events tab and then the Add Event button.

Course Event Properties

Course Event Approved

Whether the course event is approved and ready to be delivered to students, or unapproved and not able to be delivered to students.

Warning Be careful not to mark a course event as "Approved" until you have completed it. There are some actions you will not be able to take once a course event has been approved.

Course Event Urgent

Selecting "Yes" will give this course event an "Urgent" warning so learners will know that they need to complete it quickly.

Title Prefix

The name of the course event that will be appended to the course being delivered.

Add a space at the end of the Title Prefix above if you wish for there to be a space between the Title Prefix and the Title (it will not automatically be added).


The name of the course being delivered.

Start Date

The date on which learners will be able to interact with the lesson material.

End Date

The date on which learners will no longer be able to interact with the lesson material.

Lead Instructor

Select a VISION Learning Station user to be the instructor for the course event. This person will be the learner's primary point of contact during the course event and will be the person referenced on reports. The users you can assign to this position are determined by the Organization and Job Position associated with the course. You can change instructors while the course event is active without changing its approval status.

Alternate Instructors

Select one or more VISION Learning Station users to be alternate instructors for the course event. Alternate instructors can do any of the regular tasks of an instructor, but will not be listed on course event reports. The users you can assign to this position are determined by the Organization and Job Position associated with the course. You can change alternate instructors while the course event is active without changing its approval status.

Use Objective Lifespan

This option effects the question pool that any exams built for this course event are made from. In the past, only one version of a question could be used on all the exams for a course event, the version that was approved when the course was approved in VISION Developer. If you select "No", to this option, that will continue.

If you select "Yes", the questions in this course's question pool will use the most current approved version, regardless of what version was approved when the course was approved. This means that questions can be updated during the span of this course event (including practice questions), and those updated questions will be used on the course event's exams, with a few exceptions:

Once an objective is changed its questions will no longer update and be frozen at their most recent version at the time of the objective change.

The question pool used for a specific exam is set once an exam has started, so the questions will not update during an exam.

The questions for a specific exam are recorded for that exam, so if a learner views them after completing the exam, they will only see the questions that were on their exam, regardless of whether they've been updated.

TipNote that you cannot change or edit this option once the course event has been created.

Enforce Lesson Prerequisites?

Requires learners to take any prerequisites associated with the course's lesson (as entered in the VISION Developer module).

Display in the "Public Courses" area?

Whether or not the course will be listed in VISION Learning Station's Course Catalog. If this course is organization specific, it will only be available to learners within the organization.  If this course is not organization specific, you will be able to limit the organizations that have access to the course.

Display "Public Course" to All Organization(s): Select whether learners from all organizations or just a few will be able to register for this course event.

Organizations: Click the Modify button to select the organizations from which learners will be able to register for the course event.

Allow student self registration?

Allows learners to enroll themselves in the course event. This is only available for courses displayed in the "Public Courses" area.

Allow student to self withdraw?

This allows the student to withdraw at any point prior to starting an exam. If a learner withdraws they will lose any progress in the course event. This is only available for courses that allow "Self Registration".

Student advance notification (days)

This indicates how many days before the start date the course will appear in the student’s Training Events area.

Require ordered objective completion?

Select this if you would like the student to be restricted to complete the lesson objectives in the presented order.

Allow Lessons to be challenged?

"Yes" will allow learners to skip the lesson and go straight to the exam to prove that they already have lesson mastery.

Student exam attempts

Enter a number that is 1 (one) or greater for the total number of times a student can take an exam. Once the maximum number has been reached, the Start Assessment button will become unavailable. Note that this number may not be applicable for an AICC lesson.

Evaluation Form

Select a course evaluation form from the pull-down menu. This form will be completed by students at the end of the course and can be used to evaluate the instruction and design of that course. If you do not want to assign one, you can select the "None" option.

Passing Score

Enter the passing score for the course. The average score of the lessons will be evaluated against this number to determine if the learner passes the course.

Warning Make sure that the passing score for the course event is not higher than the passing score for any individual training unit. If it is, a learner might pass all the training units but be unable to pass the course event.

Use Control Date?

When you create or edit a course you can define control dates for the event. When control dates are set for an event, VISION Learning Station records the learner's completion date as the current control date regardless of the actual date of completion.  The Next Control Date setting will set the date on which learner completion records of the course will expire. Control Dates permit learners to retrain earlier than their scheduled retrain date. With the use of Control Dates, VISION Learning Station supports NRC Regulatory Guide 5.75.


Add Course Event button

When you have entered all the parameters for the course event, click the Add Course Event button.

Schedule Learners

After clicking the Add Course Event button you will have an opportunity to automatically assign learners for the course event, even if the event is not yet approved. Your options will depend on whether this course event is associated with a job position or organization.

Regardless of whether you assign learners now, you can always assign learners to a course event on the event's Learners tab.

TipNote that assigning learners to a course event will cause them to be sent a notification email regardless of whether the course event is approved.

Course Events associated with an Organization & Job Position

All assigned to position: This will schedule all learners assigned to the job position (whether or not they are marked "in job").

Assign to Job Position but NOT in job: Schedule all learners except those marked "in job".

Currently marked in job: Schedule only those learners marked "in job".

None: Do not assign any learners to this course event right now.

Course Events associated with an Organization

For these course events you are simply asked, "Would you like to schedule available personnel in the organization to this Event?" If you select "Yes", all learners in the organization are assigned to the event.

Non-Organization Specific Course Events

For these course events you are simply asked, "Would you like to schedule available personnel in every organization to this Event?" If you select "Yes", all learners are assigned to the event.

Proceed Button

Click the Proceed button to complete the course event. This will open the course event's properties.