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VISION User Guide

Qualification Properties has six tabs:



Trainers/ Evaluators





Edit Properties Button

Click this button to change these qual card settings. Not all settings will be editable.

Delete Qual Card Button

Click this button to erase these qual card settings. This will not do anything to the VISION Developer module qual card, and you will not be able to delete approved qual cards.

Archive Qual Card Button

Clicking this button will remove the qual card from the "Active" list and add it to the "Archived" list. Find archived qual cards with the Filter button on the Qualifications page.

Create Version Button

If the qual card is approved you will not be able to delete it, but you can create a new version of the qual card that you will be able to update.

Learners who are assigned to the old version of the qual card but who have not completed it will be automatically assigned to the new version of the qual card.

Qualification Properties

LS Qual Card Approved: Whether the qual card is approved and ready to be delivered to learners, or unapproved and not able to be delivered to learners.

Organization: The organization to which the qualification card has been linked.

Job Position: The job position to which this qualification card has been linked.

VDM Qual Card ID: The VISION Developer module's unique identification number for the qualification.

VDM Version ID: The VISION Developer module's unique version identification number for the qualification.

Prefix: Use this space to enter any relevant naming. Note that you will not be able to edit the qual's title in the Learning Station.

Title: Name of the qualification card that you have selected.

Cross Reference: A number added by the user for organizational purposes. This number is not controlled or used by VISION.

Time to Complete: The amount of time that a learner assigned to this qualification card would have to complete the qualification card.

Requalification Required: Whether or not learners will have to update their qualification for this qualification card.

Requalification Period: The time after which the qualification would expire and need to be requalified.

Trainer Required: Whether or not a learner will need a trainer to supervise his or her qualification on this card's tasks.

Trainer Type: If yes, the types of trainers are listed. Each "type" is a group of people from which the learner can request training.

oPersonnel qualified on this qualification card: Anyone who is currently qualified on this qualification card and who is marked as a "trainer."

oAdministrators: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" and who is marked as a "trainer."

oSite Administrators and higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" or "Site Administrator" and who is marked as a "trainer."

oInstructors and higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator," "Site Administrator," or "Instructor" and who is marked as a "trainer."

oManually selected: A list of personnel that have been hand-picked by the instructor and who are marked as "trainers". This list can be selected with the Assign Trainers or Evaluators link.

oSelf evaluation: Each learner will train him or herself.

oExternal list: Trainers are not part of the VISION Learning Station and cannot be assigned here.

Evaluator Required: Whether or not a learner will need an evaluator to supervise his or her qualification on this card's tasks.

Evaluator Type: If yes, the types of evaluators are listed. Each "type" is a group of people from which the learner can request evaluation.

oPersonnel qualified on this qualification card: Anyone who is currently qualified on this qualification card and who is marked as an "evaluator".

oAdministrators: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" and who is marked an "evaluator".

oSite Administrators and higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" or "Site Administrator" and who is marked as an "evaluator".

oInstructors and higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator", "Site Administrator", or "Instructor" and who is marked as an "evaluator".

oManually selected: A list of personnel that have been hand-picked by the instructor and who are marked as "trainers". This list can be selected with the Assign Trainers or Evaluators link.

oSelf evaluation: Each learner will evaluate him or herself.

oExternal list: Evaluators are not part of the VISION Learning Station and cannot be assigned here.

User can be selected as both Trainer and Evaluator: Whether or not the person who will evaluate the learner on this qualification card can also be the same person who trained the learner on this qualification card.

Supervisor can be Trainer and Evaluator: Can the learner's supervisor be the learner's trainer and/or evaluator on this qualification card? Note that when this setting is set to yes, a learner's supervisor can be both trainer and evaluator regardless of the previous rule.

Route Qual Card to Supervisor(s) First: If you select yes, the qualification card is submitted to the supervisor upon entering the routing path. If you select no, the qualification card takes the assigned routing path.

Automatically Send Qual Card to Routing on Completion: Selecting "Yes" will cause VISION to send the qual card along it's routing path when it is finished, rather than requiring the learner to send it.

oIf "No" is selected, the learner will have to click the "Route Card" button to start the card on the routing path.

VISION Program ID: The VISION Program ID creates a connection between this qualification card and tasks within the VISION Developer module. An ID is necessary if you wish to view a learner's progress on a qualification card or if you want to use a routing path.

Qual Card Status: The qualification card's current stat in terms of completion.

oDeveloping: The qualification card is still being created and is not ready for use.

oCompleted: This qualification card has been created but has not been approved.

oApproved: This qualification card is finished, has been approved, and is ready for use.

oArchived: This qualification card is not available to be used and is being stored for record-keeping purposes only.

TipNote that a qualification card must be in “Approved” status for learners to be able to complete it. If a card is in any other status, a learner receives a message saying, “This Qualification card cannot be accessed at this time."


These are the tasks that are linked to the qualification card in the VISION Developer module.

ID: The VISION Developer module's unique identification number for the task.

Version ID: The VISION Developer module's unique version identification number for the task.

Task Name: Click the link to view the Task Performance Evaluation. All of the material displayed here is entered into the task's properties in the VISION Developer module.

User Defined ID: A number added by the user for organizational purposes.

Cross Reference: A number added by the user for organizational purposes. This number is not controlled or used by VISION.

Critical Task: Whether this task has been marked as "Critical" in the VISION Developer module.

Must Perform: Whether this task has been marked as "Must Perform" in the VISION Developer module.

Task Requal: Whether this task has been marked as requiring requalification in the VISION Developer module.


This is a list of the trainers and evaluators assigned to each task. You can edit the trainers or evaluators with the TrainerEvaluatorMenu menu.


The VISION Developer module's unique identification number for the task.


The name of the task as entered into the VISION Developer module.

Trainers and Evaluators

These are lists of the trainers and evaluators assigned to the tasks.


Defaults All Tasks

These are the numbers of "default" trainers and evaluators. To see who the default trainers or evaluators are, hover the mouse over the number.

To edit the list of default trainers or evaluators, select the Trainer/Evaluator Menu on the Defaults All Tasks line.

Default All Tasks 2

Trainers + Trainer Type

Trainers are listed here for each task, as well as the type of trainer required for the task.

Evaluators + Evaluator Type

Evaluators are listed here for each task, as well as the type of evaluator required for the task.

TrainerEvaluatorMenu Trainer/Evaluator Menu

This menu allows you to control the Trainer/Evaluator for the selected task. Either apply the default Trainers/Evaluators, or click Select Trainers and Evaluators to open the Assign Trainers and Evaluators page.

Setting Default trainers and evaluators or selecting specific ones for a specific task all use the same interface. This page displays a list of available personnel on the left, and a space for assigned Trainers or Evaluators on the right. Use the Filter List button on the list of Available Personnel to select criteria for potential trainers or evaluators and then use the blue arrow buttons to assign or unassign trainers or evaluators to the task or to the default list. When you are satisfied, click the Done button.

TipNote that this menu is only available if the Qual Card's Trainer or Evaluator Type is Manually Selected.


TipNote that prerequisites are set in the VISION Developer module.

Prerequisite Type: Whether the prerequisite is a task, Training Unit or Lesson, Qualification Card, or Course.

Prerequisite: This is the name of the prerequisite as entered in the VISION Developer module.


The "routing path" is a list of personnel who will sign off on a qualification card once the learner has completed it. Access, assign, and edit personnel to the routing path through the "Add to Routing Path" button.

Add to Routing Path Button: The routing path window displays the selected organization's hierarchy on the left side of the screen, and the list of personnel on the right.

oOrganization Hierarchy: Expand branches of the organization hierarchy by clicking the arrows. Click on one of the job positions to display personnel that can be added to the routing path.

oList of available personnel: Click the checkbox next to the name and click the "Add Selected" button to assign personnel.

oList of personnel assigned to the routing path: Personnel in the routing path will appear below. Use the up and down arrow buttons to define who will be sent the qualification card first.

Route Order: This is the order in which the qual card will be sent for approval. Change the order with the blue up and down arrows.

Last name + First Name: The full first and last name of the user as it has been entered in the VISION Learning Station.

Remove Button: Click this button to remove this person from the routing path.


Assign learners to the card or remove them from it. You can also view their Status on each task.

Assign Users Button: Click this button to assign learners to the qualification card or remove them from it.

oAssigned Tab: This is a list of the learners currently assigned to the qual card. Click the Job Positions icon to see a list of the learner's current job positions. Click the Remove box and then the Remove Selected button to remove them from this qual card.

oAvailable Tab: This is a list of the learners who can be assigned to the qual card. Click the Job Positions icon to see a list of the learner's current job positions. Click the Assign box and then the Assign Selected button to add them to this qual card.

Last Name + First Name: The full last and first name of the user as it has been entered in the VISION Learning Station.

Username: The VISION Learning Station account name associated with the user.

Status: The user's current standing in terms of qualification card completion. Click the button to see the status of each task. From there you can also click each task to get more details about them.

oOpen: The user has not yet finished the qualification card, but still has time to do so.

oPass: The user has completed the qualification card and has met the required score.

oIncomplete: The user has started, but not completed the qualification card.

oExempt [Pass (Instructor)]: The user is receiving credit for the qualification card without completing it.

oUnsatisfactory: The user has attempted the qualification card but did not meet the requirements.

oDisqualified: The user is not qualified on this qualification card.

Start Date: The date on which the learner can begin the qualification process. If applicable, edit the start date by clicking the calendar icon.

Initial Qualification Date: This is the original completion date of the qual card, the first time that the learner completed it. For the date of the learner's current qualification, see "Current Qualification Date".

Current Qualification Date: The most recent date on which the learner completed the qualification card, if applicable. Edit the start date by clicking the calendar icon.

Expire Date: The date on which the learner's qualification on this card is too old. Click the Calendar icon to open the calendar and edit the requalification settings.

TipLearners will receive an automatically generated email when their qualification is about to expire.
