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VISION User Guide

The Course Event Properties page has three tabs and a bar of Quick Links:





Warning Note that new Course Events are created on the Active Events tab of the Course properties.

SOCCED button SOCCED Export Button

Click the SOCCED Export button to see a list of learners who have completed and to generate a .csv file.

Plus1More on SOCCED

Print Button Print

Click this button to print the information displayed on this page.

Quick Links

Click on each of the Quick Links to view more information about the course event.

Properties Tab

These properties define the course event and may differ from other course events that use the same course. Note that you may not see some of the options listed below, depending on the course and event settings.

Edit Edit Button

Click this button to make changes to the course event's properties. Note that if the course event is marked as "Approved" you will not be able to edit many fields.

Delete Record Delete Record Button

Click this button to erase these settings. This will not do anything to the VISION Developer module lessons included in the course event, and you will not be able to delete approved courses.

Course Event Approved

Whether the course event is approved and ready to be delivered to students, or unapproved and not able to be delivered to students. Once the course event is approved you will not be able to edit many settings.

Course Event Urgent

"Yes" will give this course event an "Urgent" warning so learners will know that they need to complete it quickly. This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

Course Title

The Course title is made up of a prefix added in the Learning Station and the course's title; "Prefix : Course Title". This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

Start Date

The date on which learners will be able to interact with the lesson material. This can be edited for an approved course event.

End Date

The date on which learners will no longer be able to interact with the lesson material. This can be edited for an approved course event.

Lead Instructor

Select a VISION Learning Station user to be the instructor for the course event. This person will be the learner's primary point of contact during the course event and will be the person referenced on reports. The users you can assign to this position are determined by the Organization and Job Position associated with the course. This can be edited for an approved course event.

Alternate Instructors

Select one or more VISION Learning Station users to be alternate instructors for the course event. Alternate instructors can do any of the regular tasks of an instructor, but will not be listed on course event reports. The users you can assign to this position are determined by the Organization and Job Position associated with the course. This can be edited for an approved course event.

Use Objective Lifespan to Update Questions

This option effects the question pool that any exams built for this course event are made from. In the past, only one version of a question could be used on all the exams for a course event, the version that was approved when the course was approved in VISION Developer. If you select "No", to this option, that will continue.

If you select "Yes", the questions in this course's question pool will use the most current approved version, regardless of what version was approved when the course was approved. This means that questions can be updated during the span of this course event (including practice questions), and those updated questions will be used on the course event's exams, with a few exceptions:

Once an objective is changed its questions will no longer update and be frozen at their most recent version at the time of the objective change.

The question pool used for a specific exam is set once an exam has started, so the questions will not update during an exam.

The questions for a specific exam are recorded for that exam, so if a learner views them after completing the exam, they will only see the questions that were on their exam, regardless of whether they've been updated.

TipNote that you cannot change or edit this option once the course event has been created.

Course is Public

Whether or not the course will be listed in VISION Learning Station's Course Catalog. If this course is organization specific, it will only be available to learners within the organization.  If this course is not organization specific, you will be able to limit the organizations that have access to the course. This can be edited for an approved course event.

Public Course Organizations: The organizations from which learners will be able to register for the course event. This could be "All Organizations" or it could be a list of specific organizations.

Enforce Lesson Prerequisites

Click "Yes" to require learners to pass any prerequisites entered for this course in the VISION Developer module. A "No" will allow learners to take this course regardless of whether they have passed any of its prerequisites. This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

Course Linked to Program Hierarchy

This states whether or not the course that this course event is based on is linked to a training unit in the VISION Developer module. This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

(Learner can) Self Register

Allows learners to enroll themselves in the course event. This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

(Learner can) Self Withdraw

This allows the student to withdraw at any point prior to starting an exam. If a learner withdraws they will lose any progress in the course event. This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

Days before class is visible (to Learner)

This indicates the number of days prior to the date entered as the "Start Date" the course event will appear in the student’s Training Events area. This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

Course Evaluation Form

Select the course evaluation that will be sent to learners when they have completed the course event. This step is optional, but it can give the instructor valuable feedback about the course. This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

Course Evaluation Required

Make whether or not learners will have to fill out the course evaluation form in order to complete the course event. This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

If the course event is required it will be displayed to learners with an orange "Required" notice: Required

Course Passing Score

Enter the percent score that learners must obtain from all of the lessons in the course event to pass it. Note that learners will also have to pass each lesson within the course (designated by the lesson's assessment profile) to earn course completion. In other words, if a learner meets the course passing score average but fails one lesson, they will not pass the course.

Assessment profile contains the passing score for the TU, this is graded 2nd, as an average of them.

This cannot be edited for an approved course event.

Lessons Tab


The sequence in which the lessons will be presented to the learner.


The training unit's identification number in the VISION Developer module.

Plus1Lesson Link

Start Date

The date on which the course event started, which may be different from the date it was created.

End Date

The date on which the course event will end, or if it is "open" and has no end date.

Manage Holds (Released/Total)

If applicable, click the orange button to off holds on a lesson and allow learners to proceed through the lesson content.

Tip Holds are meant to pause all learners in a course and give them an opportunity to upload documents that their instructor can review before they proceed. Once a hold is released, the learner won't be able to edit or upload new documents to it, so it is important for an instructor to review any documents before releasing a hold.

Plus1Current Holds

Plus1Released Holds

Plus1Manual Score Button

Plus1Exam Attempts Button

Learners Tab

Remove Selected Learners

Click this button to remove the selected learner(s) from the course event.

Email Selected Learners

Send an email to the selected learner(s). This will open your email client and enter the learner's email address and course event title in the Subject.

Save Exempt Status

Save the status of learners who you've marked as Exempt.

Assign From External List Button

Click this button to assign learners to this course event from an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet must contain the learner's usernames in the first row and these must match current VLS user records. See Import Learners to a Course Event for more instructions on this feature.

Adding users from an external list will not duplicate users already in the course event and it will not overwrite their current status in the course event. Once added, these user's records will appear under the "Learners", as usual.

Assign Learners Button

Click this button to add or remove learners.

Warning If a learner is assigned to an active course event for one version of a course, you will not be able to assign them to an event for a different version of the same course.

Plus1Currently Assigned

Plus1Available in Organization/Job

Plus1Other Enrollment


Roster Button

Generate a sign-in sheet for the course event.

Learners List

Select Checkbox: Click this box to remove the learner (or click the Remove All checkbox to remove all learners) from the course event.

ID: The system's identification number for the learner.

Learner: The full last and first names of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station. This field is required.

User Name: The name the learner uses to log into the VISION Learning Station.

Date Added: The date on which the user record was created.

Status: The learner's status in regards to this course event, whether they have started, passed, or failed it. Note that if a learner has both a complete and incomplete record for the same event, the incomplete record will be displayed.

Score: The percent score that the user has achieved for this course event.

Exempt: Click Yes or No to mark that the learner is exempt from this course event and will receive credit for the event without having to take the exam. Exempting a learner will override any scores they may already possess. Be sure to click the Save Exempt Status button after marking learners exempt.

Documents Tab

View or upload documents pertaining to the course event, such as course rosters.

Document Upload

To upload a document, either drag it to the "Drop files here" box, or click on the "Drop files here" box to browse for it.

Document List

Original File Name: This is the file name of the document that was uploaded. Click on the blue name link to download the file.

Document Title: The title entered for the document by the user who uploaded it.

Comment: Any comments entered regarding the document. Comments can be entered by clicking the Detail button.

Learner Can View: Whether learners have access to this document.

Detail: Click the magnifying glass button to change the Document Title, add a comment, Delete the document, or download it.