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VISION User Guide

Adding a course happens in two stages. First you will define the properties for the course and then you will add VISION Developer lessons to it. See specific instructions in the Job Aid, Create a Course.

Warning In order to create a course you MUST have a VDM user account with security access for the VDM Project that the course belongs to. If you do not, talk to your administrator and reference this guide: Reconcile VLS & VDM User Accounts.

Part 1: Set Properties

Part 2: Select Lessons

Define Assessment

Part 1: Set Properties

Course Approved: Whether the course is approved and ready to be delivered to students, or unapproved and not able to be delivered to students. Approved courses can no longer be edited, so you may wish to leave this option on "No" until after you have finished creating it.

Course Required: Will this course be required for all learners to take? Assigned learners are notified if a course is required.

Plus1Organization & Job Position Options

More about VLS Organizations

Course Type and Title

Course Type: Select how this course will be presented to learners. The type courses available might be determined by your VISION Learning Station license.

oExternal: The course will be delivered to learners by an outside LMS (NOT the VISION Learning Station) through an AICC link. The outside LMS will manage course availability so you will not be able to select a VLS organization or job position.

oPredefined: A Predefined course is restricted and based on a Course Organizer node that has been defined in Developer. Its training units have already been selected and their sequence set.

Title: The name of the course. The title is defined by the program node hierarchy.

Type: The way in which this course is intended to be taught. Note that the option selected here will not affect how the VISION Learning Station interacts with the course. It is only for your own organizational and informational purposes.

oExternally Assigned Unit: This is the only available option for External course types. These courses are given to learners through an outside LMS (NOT the VISION Learning Station). If you wish to deliver your course though an outside LMS, be sure to select the "External" Course Type above.

oSelf-Paced, Web: Learners are expected to do this course on their own though the VISION Learning Station.

oInstructor-Paced, Web: Learners are expected to do this course though the VISION Learning Station, but with the guidance of an instructor.

oInstructor-Led, Classroom: Learners are expected to do this course in a classroom setting with an instructor.

oOn the Job Training: Learners are expected to do this course with a trainer while working.



Enable Automatic Re-enrollment for Expiring Courses

If set to Yes, the system will automatically create new events and enroll learners that are due for requalification based on the course expiration period and modifier. Learners will receive an email notification reminding them to complete the course, depending on the number of day set in the “Automatic Re-enrollment Lead Time (Days).” The field to identify the number of days does not appear if this section is not set to Yes.

Automatic Re-enrollment Lead Time (Days) (Only appears if Enable Automatic Re-Enrollment for Expiring Courses is set to yes.)

This is the number of days before a learner’s completion expires when they are enrolled in a new course event for requalification and when they receive their first email reminder.


User Defined Information

Cross Reference: These fields are created as place holders for necessary information used by the organization. All information put into these fields are stored in the database, but not utilized from within the VISION Learning Station System.

User Defined 1 & 2: These fields are created as place holders for necessary information used by the organization. All information put into these fields are stored in the database, but not utilized from within the VISION Learning Station System.

Description: The description that learners see when they register for this course.

Next Button

Click this button to select training units from the VISION Developer module for the course.

Part 2: Select Lessons

1) Select a Project

Use the drop down menu to select the VISION Developer module project that has the training units you wish to add to the course.

2) Select a Work Area

Use the drop down menu to select the VISION Developer module Analysis work area that has the training units you wish to add to the course.

3) Select Lessons

Select the VISION Developer module lessons you wish to add to the course. Click on the Add button on a training unit to add it to the course. If no Add button is present, you cannot add the course.

Selected Lessons Pane

You can remove the training unit with the Change button. When you are finished adding and arranging tasks, click the Add Course button.

Define Assessment

If this course includes Performance Assessment training units you will also have training and evaluation settings to define.

Performance Assessment(s)

The name of the Performance Assessment training unit(s) in this course.

Is a Trainer Required?

Select whether or not a learner will need a trainer to supervise their training on this course.

Trainer Type

If a trainer is required, the types of trainers are listed. Each "type" is a group of people from whom the learner can request training.

Administrators: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" and who is marked as a "trainer."

Site Administrators and Higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" or "Site Administrator" and who is marked as a "trainer."

Instructors and Higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator," "Site Administrator," or "Instructor" and who is marked as a "trainer."

Manually Selected: A list of personnel that have been hand-picked by the instructor and who are marked as "trainers". This list can be selected with the Assign Trainers or Evaluators link.

External List: Trainers are not part of the VISION Learning Station and cannot be assigned here.

Evaluator Type

The types of evaluators are listed. Each "type" is a group of people from whom the learner can request evaluation.

Personnel Qualified on This Qualification Card: Anyone who is currently qualified on this qualification card and who is marked as an "evaluator".

Administrators: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" and who is marked an "evaluator".

Site Administrators and Higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator" or "Site Administrator" and who is marked as an "evaluator".

Instructors and Higher: Anyone with a security level of "Administrator", "Site Administrator", or "Instructor" and who is marked as an "evaluator".

Manually Selected: A list of personnel that have been hand-picked by the instructor and who are marked as "evaluators". This list can be selected with the Assign Trainers or Evaluators link.

External List: Evaluators are not part of the VISION Learning Station and cannot be assigned here.

Can the Evaluator and trainer be the same person?

Select whether one person can be both the learner's trainer and evaluator for this course.

Allow Supervisor to be trainer and evaluator?

Select whether the learner's supervisor can also be the learner's trainer and/or evaluator for this course. Note that when this setting is set to yes, a learner's supervisor can be both trainer and evaluator regardless of the previous rule.

Add Course Button

Click this button when you are finished with your selections.