A program can be an organizer or a training unit. Only training units can actually contain learning objectives. Program organizers exist just to, well, organize the training units and other organizers in a hierarchical system.
Note that there are different varieties of organizers and training units, which are selected from the drop-down menu. The type of training unit limits what kind of objectives can be sequenced into it.
Program training units are always at the bottom of the hierarchy. You cannot insert children under a training unit, nor can you make a program unit into a training unit if it already has children.
Warning: If you switch a program from type training unit to type organizer, any objectives that are linked to the training unit will be unlinked to it when you click the OK button. If you want to move the objectives to a different program unit, do so before switching the type to organizer.
Select the type of program organizer.
Organizers can contain other organizer nodes and training units. These are meant to contain groups of training units or groups of organizers that contain training units, just as a course might contain multiple lessons or a module might contain multiple courses.
Organizer Type |
Use |
Organizers |
Training Units |
This is the default organizer. Use it to build your program hierarchy and to organize training units. |
Use this organizer node to define your courses. |
Use this organizer to store, outline, and define all of the training units that one would have to take to qualify on a specific job position. |
This organizer is meant to create a list of performance assessments to qualify learners on their jobs. See Create Program Qualification Cards for steps to use this organizer. |
Course |
Used to organize an initial training courses. When creating a VISION LS Initial Training course, you will be able to select only from Initial Training organizers. You can also use an Initial Training organizer as a regular course, if you wish. |
Used to organize an continuing training courses. When creating a VISION LS Continuing Training course, you will be able to select only from Continuing Training organizers. You can also use a Continuing Training organizer as a regular course, if you wish. |
Select the type of training unit. The type of training unit limits what kind of objectives can be sequenced into it.
A training unit is a level in the program structure that contains training objectives. This means that the levels above a training unit are really just “organizers.” You cannot add nodes below a training unit. Training units are the “leaves” in a program hierarchy “branch.”
Each type of training unit is built for specific training need, and each has specific requirements associated with it. On this table, each training unit's requirements in VISION are listed for reference. To see and explanation of each training unit's purpose, click on the training unit's name, or proceed through this section.
No Dynamic exam will use questions from an Objective Organizer.
•Use this training unit to deliver lesson content (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) and tests to learners.
•This type of training unit will display content for the sequenced objectives and a test made of the objective's questions.
•This training unit can use all types of objectives and can have an assessment profile attached to it.
•Students will automatically complete this training unit when they have passed the exam
•Use this training unit to deliver lesson content (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) to learners.
•This type of training unit will display content for the sequenced objectives.
•This training unit can use all types of objectives (for their content) but cannot be linked to an assessment profile.
•Students will automatically complete this training unit when they have viewed all of its objective content.
•Use this training unit type to create a Weighted Exam from other training units.
•Learn more about Weighted Exams or How to Weight an Exam.
•This training unit can use all types of objectives (for the linked questions) and must have an assessment profile or static exam attached to it.
•It does not deliver content to the VISION LS.
•Students will automatically complete this training unit when they have passed the exam.
•Use this training unit to provide learners with an exam to prove that they have already mastered a particular course.
This type of training unit is not recognized in VISION Learning Station, but the Cognitive Exam Only training unit has similar features.
•Much like the “Instruction and associated exam” training unit, this one will deliver lessons content (Word, Power Point, etc.) to students.
•This training unit can use all types of objectives and must have an assessment profile attached to it.
•Students will automatically complete this training unit when they have passed the exam.
•This training unit will generate a JPM/OJE from each Analysis hierarchy task that has been made into performance objectives in VISION Developer Module’s Objective hierarchy.
•It will only use objectives that are directly linked to tasks in the Analysis hierarchy, and will not accept an assessment profile.
•When assigned to this course, learners will be able to request training and evaluation on each task. When the evaluation of each task is complete, this training unit will be completed. When the final training unit in the course is finished the course will be Complete.
•Tasks associated with PA-Ts will record the learners who have earned a "Complete". When those learners encounter these tasks again, they will already have a "Complete" and not have to be evaluated again.
•This training unit will deliver an instructor-made JPM/OJE which must be stored in an objective content field in the VISION Developer module. Use it if you need to use a specific JPM rather than the one that VISION Developer generates.
•This training unit must include one (or more) performance objective that is directly linked to one task. Other tasks may be consolidated into the objective, however.
•The instructor must create a JPM as a Word document, save it as the content object of the performance objective, and convert it to HTML. The content must be check-marked "Deliver" to be displayed in VLS.
•This training unit will not accept an assessment profile.
•When assigned to this course, learners will be able to request training and evaluation on this JPM. When the evaluation of each task is complete, this training unit will be completed. When the final training unit in the course is finished the course will be Complete.
•Tasks associated with PA-OT's will record the learners who have earned a "Complete". When those learners encounter these tasks again, they will already have a "Complete" and not have to be evaluated again.
•This training unit can be used to show which objectives a student needs to master.
•It can only use performance objectives. It will not accept cognitive objectives or an assessment profile.
•To complete this training unit, a student must complete a performance assessment before an instructor.
•Analysis hierarchy tasks will NOT be presented to learners or marked completed.
•This training unit can be used to mark learners as "trained" on the tasks associated with the objectives in this course.
•This training unit can use all types of objectives and must have an assessment profile attached to it.
•Students will automatically complete this training unit when they have passed the exam.
•Completing this training unit will make the learners "trained" on the tasks associated with the objectives in this training unit.
•This training unit will provide learners with a course and exam designed by VISION to reinforce their weakest areas.
This type of training unit is not recognized in VISION Learning Station and can only be used as a placeholder in the VISION Developer module.
•This training unit is a place-holder for anything that a learner must complete outside of VISION, like a doctor's appointment or eye exam.
•This training unit must have a "Manually Scored" assessment profile.
•This training unit will not work with any objectives, questions, or objective content. Nor will it publish content on the VISION Learning Station.
•A student will complete this training unit when the instructor has manually entered the completion and uploaded any documentation proving that the learner completed the requirement.