These are the options on the Course Event Quick Links menu:
This report shows a variety of information about the course event that you selected on the Course Summary Report. From this report you can access course event information, lesson information, and four additional reports on any exams associated with the course. These reports are Question Statistics, Course Exam Results and Course Exam Results (Anonymous), and Excel Output, an .xls version of this report.
•(Course Name): The name of the course that you selected for this report.
•Print Button: Click this button to open a printable version of this list.
This report shows details regarding the lesson's assessments for a course event.
•Course Name: The title of the course event being reported upon.
•Course Start Date: The day that the course event became available to learners.
•Instructor: The first and last names of the user who was marked as the "instructor" for the course event.
•Class Size: The number of users enrolled in the course.
•Completed Learners: The number of enrolled users who completed the course.
•Completed Exempt Learners: The number of enrolled users who were marked as "exempt" by the instructor.
•Weighted Class Average: The statistical average for all of the scores for this course event.
•Weighted Median Course Score: The median (middle) value of all of the scores for this course event.
•# (Number): The order of the items on the list.
•Lesson: The name of the lesson(s) that make up this course event.
•Learners with Grades: The number of enrolled users who earned a grade in this course event.
•Learners with Exams: The number of enrolled users who took an exam for this course event.
•View Button: If an exam was required for the lesson, reports will be available. Click the button and select a report to view:
oQuestion Statistics
oCourse Exam Results/Course Exam Results (Anonymous)
oExcel Output: This link will generate an Excel version of this report.
The Course Summary lists the lessons that make up the course, as well as the learners in the course, lessons they may have completed, and an average score for each learner int he course event.
•(Course Name): The name of the course.
•Print button: Click this button to print the information on the page.
•#: Order of the lessons in the course event.
•Lesson: The title of the lesson.
View the Learner's status in the course event and any performance assessments or exams.
•Learner: The first and last name of each user assigned to the course event. This is also a link to his or her Assessment History.
•Lesson [#]: The final grade for each lesson included in the course. The learner's status is also indicated:
o(P): Passed. The learner has passed the exam.
oExempt: The learner is not required to take the exam.
o--- : Incomplete. The learner has not finished the exam.
o(*): Exam attempts remaining. The learner has not passed the exam but can still do so.
o(NP): The learner took the exam, did not pass, and has no exam attempts left.
•Course Completed: The date on which the learner completed the course, if applicable.
•Calculate Scores Button: Recalculates score with input data.
•(Learner Name): The first and last name of the learner.
•#: The order in which lessons appear in this course event.
•Lesson: The title of the lesson.
•Instructor: The first and last names of the user who was marked as the "instructor" for the course event.
•Status: Whether the learner has completed the assessment and whether they have passed the course.
oComplete (Exam Passed): The learner has passed the exam and completed the course.
oExempt: The learner is not required to take the exam to complete the course.
oIncomplete: The learner has not finished the exam.
oComplete (Exam Not Passed): The learner took the exam, did not pass, and has no exam attempts left.
•Assessments: Click this button to view exam details and create an HTML or PDF exam record.
•Exam ID: the unique identification number of the exam.
•Date Completed: the date on which users completed the exam.
•Passing Score: The grade needed to pass this course.
•Pass: Whether the learner passed the course.
•Exam Score (%): the grade that each learner earned on the test.
•Adjusted Score (%): Any changes made to the grade by the instructor. Click this blue percentile link to open the Adjust Exam Score workscreen and change the learner's score.
•Final Score (%): The grade that the learner has earned for the course.
•Adjustment Comments: Any comments that the instructor submitted when adjusting the grade.
•View Format: Click the HTML or PDF button to create an Exam Results Summary.
•Exam Title/Exam ID: The name and unique identification number of the exam.
•Student: The first and last name of the learner who's score you are changing.
•Date: the date on which the learner completed the exam.
•Organization: The Learning Station organization that the exam and learner are associated with.
•Proctor: The name of the person who monitored the exam, if applicable.
•Exam Id: The unique identification number of the exam.
•Exam Title: The name and unique identification number of the exam.
•Exam Score: the percent (%) score that this learner earned on the test.
•Adjusted Points: Enter the percent (%) score that you wish to change. If you want to remove points, enter a "-". For example, if you want to change a 100% to a 96%, enter "-4". Note that you cannot raise the score above 100%.
•Comments: Enter a comment to explain why you are adjusting the score.
•Adjust Score button: Click this button to change the learner's score.
Review question information and the user's performance on each exam question.
•Name: The full first and last name of the user as it has been entered in VISION Learning Station.
•Site: The organization that the user and the exam is associated with.
•Course Event: The title of the course event for which the user took the exam.
•Lesson: The name of the lesson within the course that the exam is attached to.
•Proctor: The name of the user who monitored the exam, if applicable.
•Date Completed: The date on which the user finished the exam.
•Exam ID: The unique identification number of the exam.
•Passing: The score that users must attain to pass the exam.
•Questions Correct: The number of questions on the exam that the user answered correctly.
•Result: The user's status in regards to this exam and his or her numerical score.
•Question #: The order in which the question was presented on the exam.
•Objective: The "Behavior Statement" of the objective with which the question is associated.
•Question ID: The unique identification number of the question.
•Question Type: The two-letter code that designates the style of question:
oMA: Matching
oTF: True/False
oMC: Multiple Choice
•Student Response: The answer choice that the user selected.
•Correct Answer: The answer choice that is marked as correct in VISION.
•Correct: Whether the user answered the question correctly - "Y" for "Yes" and "N" for "No".
Lists lessons that have not been completed for each attendee.
•Learner: The first and last name of each user assigned to the course event.
•Lesson: The title of the lesson.
Lists an average score for each learner assigned to the course event.
•Student Name: The first and last name of each user assigned to the course event. This is also a link to his or her course history.
•Lesson Title: The title of the lesson.
•Score: The highest percent of correct answers the learner achieved on the exam.
•Raw Average: The average score the learner achieved if they required multiple exam attempts to pass the course.
The Passing Criteria button brings you to a page where you can change the weight of the lessons and select how multiple tests are counted.
•Lesson Title : This is the title of the VISION Developer module program from which this lesson has been made.
•Weight: Weighting is when you make different lessons in your course worth a different percentage of the total score. Do this when some lessons are more important than others. No matter how you divide up the weight between lessons, the total weight must add up to 100%.
oFor example, a course might involve three lessons, one of which is much more important than the other two. You might make that lesson's score worth 50% of the total while the other two lessons are only worth 25% of the total score.
•Test Selection: This allows you to select which exam will “count” if a student has multiple attempts. You can select the student’s highest score or only the most recent test.
•Equally Distribute Weighting Button: Pressing this button will distribute the weight of the course evenly between the different lessons listed.
•Total Weight: This is the combined weight of all of the lessons within this course event.
This number must add up to 100% or it will be impossible for a student to achieve 100% for the course.
This is a summary of all of the responses to the evaluation associated with this course event.
•(Course Name): The name of the course.
•Print button: Click this button to print the information on the page.
•Instructor: The user who administered the course event.
•Course Event: The title of the course event that this evaluation was a part of.
•Question: The evaluation question.
•Feedback: Any comments left by learners. click the Show Feedback button to display the feedback associated with the learner who left it.
•Responses: The question's response choices with the number of learners who selected each one.
•Average Response Value: The average of the numerical value associated with each response. If your positive responses consistently have a positive value and your negative responses consistently have a negative value, this average will can indicate the typical response.
•ID: The learner's unique system-generated identification number.
•Completed Date: The date on which the learner completed the course evaluation.
•Has Feedback: Whether or not the learner entered feedback for the evaluation. Feedback is displayed on the Evaluations tab and on the Detail button.
•View Evaluation: Click the Detail button to view the individual survey's results.
Click this button to recalculate learner's scores displayed for the course event. You may need to use this if VISION has not updated a learner's score or pass/not pass status from recent coursework. Note that VISION will recalculate and update all the scores for the course event, so this might take some time if you have a large number of learners.