These are what you use to tell VISION how to create and grade a test (or whether there will be one). Assessment profiles can only be created in VISION Learning Station, but they are added to a VISION Developer training unit through the VISION Developer Module. In the assessment profile, you choose how questions will be selected, how they will be graded, and what the passing score will be. When a learner is ready for a test, VISION will use those criteria to build a test for that learner and then to pass or fail the learner based on their answers and your passing score.
The assessment profile process is straight forward. While the profile has many options to chose from, you only need to create it and then assign it to a training unit.
1.Create an assessment profile and approve it.
2.Attach it to a training unit using the VISION Developer Module.
Click the Filter button to select from a variety of filters to organize the list of assessment profiles.
•Status: Select assessment profiles with either the Active (in use) or Archived (no longer in use) statuses.
•Sort By: Choose whether to sort assessment profiles by name or their system-generated identification numbers.
Click the Add New Profile button to create a new assessment profile and see the Assessment Profile Job Aids for instructions.
Alternately, you can create a new version of an existing profile on its properties page.
The Assessment List lists all of the assessment profiles available to your current security level and with your current filter settings.
This is the system-defined identification number given to the assessment profile at the time of its creation. Each identification number is unique and cannot be changed.
Click on the assessment's name to open or edit the assessment's properties page.
The "type" of assessment profile, or how it will grade exams. VISION Learning Station supports graded exam profiles as well as static and manual exam score profiles.
This is the number or percent of questions, points, or time that the assessment requires based on its criteria.
The percentage score learners need in order to pass or earn credit for the course event.
This is the email address that is displayed as the "Notification" email. Additionally, you will be able to have exam results sent to this email address.
Whether or not this assessment has been "approved" and can be used in course events. Once an assessment is approved it can no longer be edited, but if it needs to be changed a new version of it can be created.
Assessment Profiles cannot be edited once they are approved. Instead, you can make a new version of the assessment and edit it. If the assessment does not have other versions, "None" will be displayed here. If it does, an "Other Versions" button will appear, and you can click it to see a list of versions of this assessment.
The information listed here is the same as that listed above except for a check mark icon that identifies the newest version. If the icon is green, the newest version is approved. If it is red, the newest version is not yet approved.