Adding users from an external list will not duplicate users already in the course event and it will not overwrite their current status in the course event. Once added, these user's records will appear under the "Learners", as usual.
See Course Event Properties: Learners for more instructions on this feature.
See Assign Learners to a Course Event to add learners to a course event though the Learning Station.
1.Create an Excel spreadsheet in a place you can easily access.
2.Add a list of usernames (usually the first initial and last name) of the learners you want to assign in the first column. This is the only type of data that you can use for this feature.
1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.
2.Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.
3.Click on the Active Events button for the course that has the event you want to assign users to, and then click on the event link.
4.Click on the Learners tab and then the Assign From External List button.
5.Select the Excel file and then click Open.
6.Click the Import File button.
7.The Assign Learners page will appear. Here the learner records are displayed for all of the "Valid" learners on your list. If any usernames did not match user records in VISION LS, they are listed under "Username Not Found".
8.Answer any questions regarding the users. These only appear when appropriate, so you may not see any.
9.Double check the list of learners to ensure that you are adding the correct users to the course event.
10.Click the Assign Valid Learners button when ready.
If a learner record appears here it means that, while VISION could identify the username, that person is not part of the organization or job position to which this course was assigned. If this is in error, you could add the learner to the organization or assign them to the job position and then try the import again.
Usernames displayed in this list could not be matched with user records in the VLS. This may be the result of a typo, in which case you can fix the typo and try again. If there is some other problem keeping the user out of the list of valid users (such as not belonging to the appropriate organization), VISION LS will still bring up their user record.