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VISION User Guide

Enter learners' scores for their exams by hand.

Adjust Exam Scores through the Course

Follow these steps to enter individual scores for learners' exams:

1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.

2.Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.

3.Click on the Active Events button Blue Number Arrow for the course that has the event you want to assign users to, and then click on the event link.

Score a single lesson

1.Click on the Lessons tab and then the Manual Score button. Note that when you enter a manual score it counts as a final score and overrides any remaining exam attempts.

2.On the Defaults row you can set a default Completion Date, Time, Instructor, and Score. This will be set for all of the learners you select. You can also set these for each individual learner.

3.You may have to click the Unlock Instructor button before you can edit the instructor for scores that have already been entered.

4.Check the box for the learner(s) you wish to score or edit, or check the Select All box.

5.You may have to click the Unlock Record button before you can edit scores that have already been entered. Some scores cannot be edited though this interface.

6.Enter a completion date and time. Today's date will be entered for you.

7.Select the Instructor from the drop-down list.

8.Enter the score for each learner.

9.To add comments regarding the score, click the blue Add button.

10.If you wish to add any documents to support this score, click the Add button. (It is only available once you've scored the lesson.

11.Click the Save Changes button (at the bottom of the list) when you are finished.

Score multiple lessons

1.Click on the Lessons tab, and then click the check box next to the lessons for which you want to enter scores.

2.Click the Manual Score Selected button.

3.Enter the score values in wither of two ways:

a.You can enter a set of default completion dates, instructor, score, and comment, and have them apply to all selected learners, or,

b.Select individual learners, and add various completion dates, instructors, scores, and comments.

4.When all scores have been entered, click Save Changes.


Adjust Exam Scores through the Course Summary

You can also adjust a learner's score though the course event's Course Summary. This is a convenient way to adjust more than one score for one user. Note that this will only apply to assessment (or exam) scores.

1.Click on Administration on the Main Menu.

2.Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.

3.Click on the Active Events button Blue Number Arrow for the course that has the event you want to assign users to, and then click on the event link.

4.Click the Course Summary button and click the name link of a learner.

5.On Assessment History page, click the blue Assessments badge Blue Number Arrow and click on Adjusted Score (%) value.

6.On Adjust Exam Score page, Enter Adjusted Points, Add Comment (required) and click the Adjust Score button.

See Also

Course Summary

Adjust Exam Score