Course evaluations are questionnaires that are given to learners on the completion of a course event. The goal is to provide feedback to the instructors and designers of the course from the learner's point of view. Evaluations can be very simple or complex, depending on how they are designed. Learners will not be graded on their responses to the course evaluation, but (if you make it required) they will have to respond to it to complete the course.
Course evaluations are not anonymous. VISION records the name of the learner who submitted the course evaluation and there is not way to submit an evaluation without it being tied to a learner account.
Response Types are the different ways a learner can answer a course evaluation question. For example, when you create a course evaluation you will choose how you want that question answered. That answer could be in the form of a text box, yes/no buttons, a five point Likert scale, or a custom response that you create. VISION Learning Station includes several default response types but you can also click on the Response Types tab and create your own.
To create course evaluations, you first need to ensure that you have all of the response types that you will need.
1.Create response types to be used in the course evaluations. The same response type can be used for multiple evaluations.
2.Create the course evaluation.
3.Assign it to a course event (when you create or edit the course event).
4.When learners complete the course event they will be able to respond to the evaluation. If you mark the evaluation as required, they will have to respond before they can complete the course.
5.After learners complete the evaluation, you will be able to view and run reports on their responses.
Click the Filter button to sort the list of evaluations by their status (Active or Archived), by name, or their system-generated identification numbers.
Click this button to create a new course evaluation and see the Evaluation Job Aid for instructions.
The Evaluation List lists all of the assessment profiles available to your current security level and with your current filter settings.
•ID: The VISION Learning Station unique identification number for the course evaluation. Click on an evaluation to view its properties page.
•Evaluation: The title entered for the evaluation. Click the Link to see it's properties.
•Type: The purpose of this evaluation. Currently VISION only supports Course evaluations.
Click the Filter button to sort the list of response types by name or their system-generated identification numbers.
Click this button to create a new response type to use in course evaluations and see the Create a Response Type Job Aid for instructions.
The Response Type List lists all of the response types available to your current security level and with your current filter settings.
•ID: The VISION Learning Station unique identification number for the evaluation response type.
•Title: The name entered for the evaluation response type. Click on a response type to view its properties page.