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VISION User Guide

The response type properties page displays all the pieces of the response type and how they interact together. There are also controls for adding new parts to the response type or editing current ones.

Once a response type has been added to an evaluation it can no longer be edited (except for the title) or deleted. If a response type is locked, a message will appear across the top saying, "This evaluation type is locked, because it is used on (#) evaluation(s)."

Delete Response Type Button

Click this button to delete the response type. This will only be available if the response type is not used on an evaluation.

Response Type Title

The title that you have already entered. You can edit it in line and then click the Save Title button.

Add Choice

Use this area to add additional response choices. Keep in mind that there are already 3 default response choices that you can edit at the bottom of the page.

Choice Text: Enter the words that will describe this choice.

Value: Choices will be displayed in order of value. We recommend using positive integers for satisfactory responses and negative for unsatisfactory ones.

Description: Enter a description of the response choice to be used in the evaluation's legend.

Tip If your response types use Values consistently you can get average values for questions from the Aggregated Evaluation Report.

How it will look...

This area simply displays what your current response type will look like when a learner sees it on an evaluation. If you are adding response choices, a new one will display after you click the Add Response Choice button.

Edit Choices

These are the choices that have already been added. Use the controls here to make changes to them.

Choice Text: The words that will describe this choice.

Value: The order in which he choices will be displayed. We recommend using positive integers for satisfactory responses and negative for unsatisfactory ones.

Description: A description of the response choice that will be used in the evaluation's legend.

Delete Choice Button: Click this button to remove the response choice.

Save Changes Button: Click this button to save any changes you've made to the response choices.