Evaluation Completion Records Report
Search for the evaluation records belonging to one person. Select whether to search for that user's last name, first name, user name, user account number or email address. Enter as much of the name or number as you can, and all users with matching or similar information will be presented when you click the Search button.
Search for the evaluation records that were taught by one instructor. Select whether to search for that user's last name, first name, user name or ID number. Enter as much of the name or number as you can, and all users with matching or similar information will be presented when you click the Search button.
Enter the system generated identification number for the course you want to find.
Search for evaluation records belonging to users who are in one organization. Select the organization from the drop-down menu.
If you select, "By Organization" you will be asked to specify a start (From) and end (To) date. Enter the dates (up to 30 days) between which you want to search for evaluation records. Use the drop-down menus or calendar button to select dates.
When you have entered your search criteria, click this button to get your results.
•ID: The course event's unique system-defined identification number.
•Title: The name of the course event. Click on the report title to open the Evaluation Results report.
•Username: The unique code assigned to the user for identification within VISION Learning Station.
•First Name: The full first name of the user as it has been entered into VISION Learning Station.
•Last Name: The full last name of the user as it has been entered into VISION Learning Station.
•Completed Date: The date on which the learner submitted the evaluation.
•(Title): The name of the evaluation.
•Respondent: The first and last name of the learner who completed this evaluation.
•Course Event: The name of the course event for which the learner completed this evaluation.
•Instructor: The first and last name of the user who is assigned to manage the course event.
•Date Completed: The date on which the learner completed the evaluation.
•Export Button: Click this button to copy, print, or export this report.
•# (Number): The order that the evaluation questions appear on the evaluation.
•Question: The evaluation question.
•Value: The value is the display order of the response choice from left to right. If your Response Types are consistent, however, you can also use the Value to quickly sort positive and negative responses.
•Selection: The response choice that the learner selected.
•Comments: Any text entered by the learner.
•The Aggregated Evaluation Report has been moved to the Reports area of the Learning Station.