See Create an Assessment Profile for instructions to create an assessment profile.
See Types of Assessment Profiles for the differences between the different assessment profiles.
You can also create a "Questions Per Objective" assessment profile in the VISION Developer module.
Once you have made your selection, click the Next button.
Some of these properties are common to all assessments, but some are only available for specific ones.
When the profile is marked as Approved you will be able to assign it to training units, but you will no longer be able to edit it. You will, however, be able to create a new version of it if you need to correct a mistake or make a change.
Keep in mind that exam instructions and messages will not be available to edit until the profile is created, but cannot be edited once the profile is approved. To edit these, save the assessment profile and then edit it before you mark it as Approved.
Enter a name for the profile. This will be how users identify the profile in the VISION Developer module as well as VISION Learning Station, so be specific.
This is the assessment limit that you selected in the previous step. You cannot change it here, you must click the Back button and select a new one.
Enter the number of questions or the percent of questions drawn from each objective that you would like to have on an assessment. If you wanted a 100 question assessment or 50% of the questions to be from each objective, enter that number here. VISION won't always be able to draw the specified percentage or number of questions from the database, so you will also enter a minimum number of questions in the field below.
Enter the amount of time or points that the questions should add up to for an assessment. If you wanted an assessment that would take 60 minutes or be worth 100 points, enter that value here. VISION won't always be able to draw questions that add up to the specific time or number of points from the database, so you will also enter a buffer size for points or time in the field below.
Enter the smallest number of questions that VISION must include. If this number of questions isn't available, the test will not generate and the learner will be given instructions to contact the instructor.
Enter the number of points or amount of time that the assessment may be off by. For example, 5 minutes on a 60 minute test might result in a 62 minute test or a 56 minute test. A 5 point buffer on a 100 point test might result in a 103 point test or a 99 point test. If the number of questions isn't available to make this minimum, the test will not generate and the learner will be given instructions to contact the instructor.
Standard: The system will create a percentage score based on the points each question is worth.
Angoff: Questions are given a different percentage or decimal value depending on how difficult they are. This can be done in the "Num Field 2" on the General Info page of a question in VISION Developer. A lower value means that the question is harder to answer. If the field is left blank, VISION Learning Station will assume a 70% difficulty. This scoring method calculates the test's passing score based on the average value of all the questions, so a test with easy questions that are rated at 80 or 90 might set a high passing score of 85%.
Enter the score that learners must reach in order to pass the assessment. If you are using Angoff Scoring, enter TBD.
Select "Yes" to require a proctor to provide a valid proctoring session key in order for the student to take the exam.
Enter the number of days students must wait before they can retest. Enter "0" if students can retest immediately.
In the VISION Developer module, a question contains a checkbox option "Always select from question pool" if this question should always be selected for a test. Checking this profile option will allow those questions to be used even if it breaks the limit you set for number of questions/percent/time or points.
Requires learners to agree to a digital signature statement when they have completed the exam. The digital signature statement is editable in the Exam Instructions area of the profile's properties.
•Primary Email Notification: This is the email address that is displayed as the "Notification" email. Additionally, you will be able to have exam results sent to this email address.
•Alternate Email Notification 1 & 2: Enter additional email addresses to which you want exam results sent.
•Email Complete Exam to Primary: This option will send completed exams to the "Primary" email address.
•Email Results to Learner: This will automatically send learners their exam results.
•Email Results to Instructor: This will automatically send a learner's results to the instructor of the course event and the person who proctored the learner.
•Email Results to Site Admin: This will automatically send learners results to users with the security level of Site Administrator for the organization that the course event is associated with.
•Email Results to Primary Profile: This will automatically send learners results to the email address entered in the "Primary Email Notification" field.
•Email Failure Results to Alt 1 or Alt 2: This will automatically send learners results to the email listed in "Alternate Email Notification 1" or "Alternate Email Notification 2" fields.
•Email Failure Results to Supervisor: This will automatically send learners results to the learner's supervisor (entered in the user's properties) in the event that the learner fails the exam.
•Add Assessment Profile: Click this button to save the assessment profile, or click the Cancel button to cancel.