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VISION User Guide

Create a New Response Type

Edit an Existing Response Type

Delete a Response Type

Create a New Response Type

Make a new response type that can be used with evaluation questions.

1.In the Administration area, click on the Course Evaluations tab.

2.Click the Response Type tab and then click the Add Response Type button.

3.Enter a title for the response type and then click the Next button. The title should be descriptive so that you can select this response choice from a list.

4.When you create a response type, three choices are added for you: Unsatisfactory, No Opinion/Neutral, and Satisfactory. Start by editing these choices in the "Edit Choices" section.

5.Enter a Value for each choice (if you want different ones than those provided). We recommend using positive integers for satisfactory responses and negative for unsatisfactory ones.

6.Enter a description for the response choice, if applicable. This will be used in a legend.

7.When you are done editing response choices, click the Save Changes button. This will update the response choices in the "How it will look" section.

8.If you want to add more choices, add the Choice Text, Value, and Description in the boxes under "Add Choice" and then click the Add Another Response Type button. This will update the "How it will look" section.

9.Follow the same procedure until you have added all of the response choices you need.

Next you will create a Course Evaluation.

TipNote that you won't be able to change or delete the response type once it has been used in an evaluation.

Edit an Existing Response Type

Some response types are "Locked" and cannot be edited because they are currently being used on a course evaluation. In order to edit a locked response type, you must first remove it from the course evaluation. You will not be able to do that if the course evaluation is also locked.

Follow these steps to edit a course evaluation response choice.

1.In the Administration area, click on the Course Evaluations tab.

2.Click the Response Type tab and then click on the title of the response types to be modified.

3.On the Response Type's Properties page, you can add a response choice by typing it into the Add Choice area and clicking the Add Response Choice button.

4.You can edit current choices by typing into their text boxes, or you can delete choices by click the Delete Choice button next to each response choice.

5.You can also view how the response choice will look on an evaluation under the "How it will look" heading.

6.When you are finished, click the Save Response Choices button to save your changes.

Delete a Response Type

Some response types are "Locked" and cannot be deleted because they are currently being used on a course evaluation. In order to delete a locked response type, you must first remove it from the course evaluation. You will not be able to do that if the course evaluation is also locked.

Follow these steps to delete a response type:

1.In the Administration area, click on Course Evaluations.

2.Click the Response Type tab and then click on the title of the response type to be modified.

3.On the response type's properties page, click the Delete Response Type button.