The menu items under the Workbench menu were created to reflect the process of developing a training program. Most of the work done in VISION will be done from a Workbench. Once you become familiar with VISION, you may choose to use the "Change Management" Workbench that opens all three hierarchy windows: an Analysis, an Objective and a Program hierarchy windows. Or you may decide to use the "Custom" Workbench, which does not open any hierarchy windows. Once the "Custom" Workbench is open, you can choose what type of hierarchy windows you want to open in your Workbench.
If you are a novice user, you may want to use a Workbench that best describes the activity you are performing (Analysis, Design or Development). After opening the Workbench, you may want to see the Cue Card for the activity (see "Show Cue Card" below) or you may need instructional advise for the activity (see "Show Advisor") below. Both of these are very useful tools to help you accomplish your desired outcome.
The various choices of workbenches differ from each other in which hierarchy windows they include initially and which advisory cue card they display.
It isn't crucial to pick the "right" workbench from the menu, because you can make any workbench look like any other workbench by opening or closing its hierarchy windows yourself.
Tip: To show the steps specific to a Workbench, click the Show Steps button
on the Workbench toolbar.
Opens a Workbench with an Analysis Hierarchy window and the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant.
Note: This Workbench requires an Analysis Work Area. If there isn't one in the logged project, you can create one by selecting Project New Work Areas from the Main Menu.
See Also the Following Advisor Topic: Analyzing a Job Position
Open a workbench with an Analysis Hierarchy window and three Cross Reference Tables with the following User Defined IDs:
•HAZPROB Hazard: Probability
•HAZREP Hazard: Repetitivity
•HAZSEV Hazard: Severity
Opens a Workbench with an Analysis Hierarchy window.
Opens a Workbench with an Analysis Hierarchy window and the Analysis Hierarchy Assistant.
See Also the Following Advisor Topic: Task Analysis
Opens a Workbench with an Analysis and an Objective Hierarchy window.
See Also the Following Advisor Topic: Objective Analysis
Opens a Workbench with an Objective Hierarchy window.
See Also the Following Advisor Topic: Writing Formal Objective Statements
Opens a Workbench with an Objective Hierarchy window.
Tip: To show the steps specific to this workbench, click the Show Steps button on the workbench toolbar.
See Also the Following Advisor Topic: Writing Test Questions for Objectives
Opens a Workbench with a Program Hierarchy window.
Opens a Workbench with an Objective and a Program Hierarchy window.
Opens a Workbench with a Program Hierarchy window.
Tip: To show the steps specific to this workbench, click the Show Steps button on the workbench toolbar.
See Also the Following Advisor Topic: Developing Content for Instructional Objectives
Opens Analysis, Objective and Program hierarchy windows.
Opens a blank Workbench. To open a hierarchy window within the Workbench, chose one of the following:
•Analysis Hierarchy
•Objective Hierarchy
•Program Hierarchy
Shows the Cue Card for this workbench. A Cue Card is a help screen that lists the steps for performing the activity the workbench was designed for. To see Cue Cards used by VISION, click here.
Note: The "Change Management" and "Custom" Workbenches do not have Cue Cards. Instead, a list of all Cue Cards used by VISION is displayed.
Shows the Advisor help screen. The Advisor provides instructional advice, tips and examples directly related to activity for which the Workbench was designed.
Note: The following Workbenches do not have an associated Advisor topic:
•Task Hazard Rating
•Task Selection
•Change Management
For these workbenches, the Advisor will simply open to the first page.
Changes the font of the active Workbench. This operation affects all windows in the Workbench.
Resize the hierarchy windows inside the active Workbench when the Workbench window is resized. If this option is checked (the default), the hierarchy windows inside the active Workbench will automatically resize when you resize the Workbench window.