Below is a list of all menu options under the Test menu.
Tip: To get help on any of these commands from VISION, click the Help button
and select any command from the menu.
•Open: (Ctrl+T) Opens the test search window, from which you can quickly obtain a list of tests. You can then perform the various test-related actions on the tests in the list: View, Edit, Generate test-related documents, and so on. You can also create new tests from the test search window.
•New: Creates a new test. Once the Test window is open, you can drag and drop test units onto the test. Click the Help button in the "Test Properties" window for more information on creating tests.
•Properties: Open the exam workscreen for the exam currently selected in the exam list. Double-clicking on the exam does the same. On the exam workscreen you can view and edit the exam properties.
•Delete: Delete the exams you have selected in the exam list.
•Copy: Make a copy of the exam selected in the exam list. The copy will get the same title, but preceded by the words "Copy of". The copy will have the same questions as the original. Note that copying a test doesn't make copies of the questions on it.
•Generate: Generate a printable representation of the selected test, or a related document (answer key, test specification, etc.). Generating a test produces the test as you would present it to a student. The generated test is the place where you see the multiple-choice questions show their choices in a random order.
•Test Stats: For the selected exam, view or enter the question-by-question responses by the students who took the exam. A benefit of entering student results is, that's how statistics accumulate for individual test questions. As questions get used and reused on different exams, over time the student response data that you input builds a picture of which questions are easy, difficult, or perhaps poorly written.
•Student List: This is a list of learners who have taken this test. Or, at least, these are the people for whom scores have been recorded.
•Date Administered: This field displays the date that the test was administered. The default date is the date the statistics were started.
oTip: To change the date, click on the down arrow and select a different date on the calendar.
•Student Responses: This list shows the student's responses to the questions on the test. Each row represents a test question. The questions are listed in the same order they appear on the test. Note: Gray fields are fixed; white fields you can edit.
• Columns: Following is a description of the columns in each row:
oType: type of question.
oTopic: as it appears on the Question workscreen.
oPoints: how many points the question is worth (i.e., max score).
oResponse: how the student answered the question. Click the Help button for a description of each response.
oScore: score (points) that the student received on the question. You get to edit this value only when the response is "Partial".
oChoice: relevant only to multiple-choice questions, this shows the choice that the user selected. Edit this value when the response is set to "Wrong" or "Partial". The correct choice for each question is marked with an asterisk (*).
•Responses: Describe the learner's response to the question selected above: Right, Wrong, etc.
oRight: The student's response is correct (default). VISION will assign the question's point value to the Score and make this a read-only field. For multiple choice questions, the correct answer will be placed in the Choice field.
oWrong: The student's response is incorrect. VISION will assign zero points to the Score field and make this a read-only field. For multiple choice questions, select, in the Choice field, which distractor the student picked.
oPartial: The student's response is partially correct. VISION will assign one-half of the question's point value to the Score. To modify the Score field, double-click the left mouse button over the cell.
oIgnore: The student was not responsible for answering the question, so this question will not affect the student's score for the test. Also, this response won't count towards the total number of "Learner Responses" displayed on the question's Stats tab.
oNot Answered: The student did not answer (skipped) the question. VISION will assign zero points to the Score field and make this a read-only field.
oInvalid: A response would be Invalid if a student bubbled-in more than one letter for the answer on a Scantron form. For invalid responses, VISION will assign zero to the Score field and make it read-only.
•Choice: This control is enabled only for Multiple-Choice questions in which the response is "Wrong" or "Partial". Under those circumstances, identify the Learner's answer to the question selected above by picking it in this droplist.
oThe choice marked with an asterisk (*) is the correct choice; so don't select that choice when the response is Wrong or Partial.
•Score: This control is enabled only when the response is "Partial". In that case, enter the value awarded for the partially correct response. When a response is marked "Partial", initially the score is set to one-half the total point value of the question. Edit that score as needed.
•Print Button: Click this button to print the contents of the window.
•Properties Button: Click to view or edit the name, etc., for the selected student. You can also double-click the left mouse button on a student to perform this operation.
•Student Information: Use these fields to enter the name and e-mail address of the student. Note: The e-mail address is used by the VISION Learning Station to automatically deliver messages to the student/employee. So be sure the address is correct if you use the Learning Station now or expect to use it later.
•Test Title: This read-only field displays the title of the test.
•Score Button: Click to edit the selected student's score for each question on the test.
•Report Button: Click to generate a report of the student results and statistics for this test. You can report on all students in the list above or just the students that you highlight.
•Delete Button: Click this button to delete the selected student(s) from the test. The deleted student's name remains in the database, but his participation on this test is erased. That affects the overall statistics for each of the questions used on this test (how many people answered a question right, wrong, etc.).
•Import Student Score Button: Click this button to import a test scores (.TS) file. Usually, these are generated by a Scantron terminal, in conjunction with special software. Click the Help button for more information about importing Scantron files.
•Print List Button: Click this button to print the contents of this window.