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Using VISION Hierarchies

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Hierarchies are inherent throughout the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) process. The relationship between jobs, duty areas, tasks and skill/knowledge components is hierarchical. The relationship between a terminal and its enabling objectives is hierarchical. A program, such as one consisting of courses, topics and lessons, is actually a hierarchy. For this reason, hierarchies are a fundamental way in which VISION displays information.

The Use of Hierarchies in VISION

A hierarchical display of information provides a convenient way to view information within one project, or across multiple projects. It makes it easy for you to share, copy, move, insert and delete training information without losing your way. Moreover, you can access detailed information about any record in the system by clicking on its title in a hierarchy.

A Workbench is a VISION term for a view that displays one or more hierarchies. Remember that another term for a VISION hierarchy is a "Work Area".

A Workbench hierarchy display gives you a lot of flexibility and convenience in working with your SAT data. For example, a Workbench can display side by side a Job/Task Analysis Hierarchy, the corresponding hierarchy of terminal and enabling objectives and the Program Hierarchy. Or, it can display other combinations, such as two job analysis hierarchies next to each other so that you can easily work between them. All Workbench displays also contain features designed to make it easy for you to see, interpret and edit hierarchy information.

Hierarchies are an inherent and recurring feature throughout the systematic approach to training. For this reason, they are a fundamental part of how VISION displays information.

Hierarchies provide a convenient way to view information within one project, or across multiple projects. Hierarchies make it easy for you to share, copy, move, insert and delete training information without losing your way.

Choose from the topics below to browse the special operations associated with using hierarchies in VISION:

The VISION Workbench

Hierarchy Operations

Analysis Hierarchy Operations

Objective Hierarchy Window

Change the Level Name of a Node

Steps to Sequence Objectives

Opening a Hierarchy Workbench

Expanding and Collapsing a Hierarchy Tree

Steps to Insert Hierarchy Nodes (Without the Assistant)

Steps to Delete Hierarchy Components

Steps to Detach and Reattach Hierarchy Branches

Steps to Move, Copy and Share Hierarchy Nodes

Steps to Change the Level Name of a Node

Steps to View Only One Part of a Hierarchy

Steps to use the Show Parent Feature

Find in Branch Overview

Steps to Color Hierarchy Nodes
