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VISION User Guide

Navigation: VISION Developer Help > Setup Activities > Using VISION Hierarchies

Steps to Move, Copy and Share Hierarchy Nodes

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To move, share or copy:

1. Click and hold down your left mouse button on the text of the highlighted node(s) to be moved, shared or copied.

2. Drag the node(s) to the "target" node and release your left mouse button.

3. In the "Confirm Drop" window, it will ask, "What would you like to do?" Select either...




4. In the same window, the next question asks "Where to?" Select:

a.Last Child

b.Sibling Above

c.Sibling Below

5. Click the OK button.

6. In the Move window that appears, click the Yes to All button.

Tips for using Move, Copy, or Share

Plus1 Restrictions

Plus1 Move

Plus1 Copy

Plus1 Key Shortcuts for Move, Copy, and Share

Plus1 An easy way to remember the keys