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VISION User Guide

Finds a node in a branch of a hierarchy that matches some text and/or is linked to a particular Cross Reference Table item.

TipThis feature cannot be used unless you have a hierarchy window (or Cross Reference table) open in a Workbench. The reason is that this operation searches the branch of the selected node to find nodes that match the Find parameters that you specify.

Find Window Overview

Use the find window to find records in the selected branch of a hierarchy. This operation allows you to find records than contain a text string and/or are linked to a particular Cross Reference Item. Because the Find operation searches an entire branch, the operation will take longer to complete for larger branches in a hierarchy.

Before you can use the find operation, you must select a node in a workbench hierarchy window. Until you select a node, all fields in the Find dialog box will be disabled, as well as the "Find" button. The text of the selected hierarchy node will appear in the "Starting at" field.

Using the Text String Attribute

To find all nodes in the selected hierarchy branch that contain a particular text string, follow these steps:

1.In a Workbench window, select one node (branch). Note that the text of the node selected is displayed at the top of the "Find in Branch" dialog.

2.Check the Use text string box and enter text in the space provided.

3.To begin the Find operation, click the Find button.

4.If VISION finds any nodes that contain the text you specified, the results will be displayed in the "Find Results" window.

What is searched?

VISION will search for the text string among the titles of the hierarchy nodes. Thus, for each node in the selected hierarchy branch:

For analysis nodes, VISION will search the "Text" field as seen in the General tab of the Analysis Properties workscreen.

For objective nodes, VISION will search the "Behavior" field as seen in the General tab of the Objective Properties window.

For program nodes, VISION will search the "Title" field as seen in the General tab of the Program Properties window.


Using the Cross Reference Item Attribute

To find nodes that are linked to a specific Cross Reference Item, follow these steps:

1.If a Cross Reference Table window is not open, click the Open a table button. From the list of tables that appears, select the Cross Reference Table and click the Open button.

2.In the Cross Reference Table window, select the Cross Reference Item that you will use in the Find operation. The text of the selected item will appear near the bottom of the "Find in Branch" window.

3.Check the Use table item box.

4.To begin the Find operation, click the Find button.

5.If VISION finds any nodes in the branch that are linked to the selected item, the results will be displayed in the "Find Results" window.


Using Both Attributes

You can combine both attributes to find all nodes in a branch that contain a text string AND are linked to the selected Cross Reference Item. In other words, if a node matches both attributes, it will appear in the "Find Result" window.

Use Find

To use Find, do the following:

1.Open the work area hierarchy appropriate for the type of component(s) that you want to find.

2.From the Main Menu, select Search Arrow Find in Branch to open the Find dialog box.

3.Select a node in the hierarchy beneath which you want to find components.

4.In the Find dialog box, check the box to indicate if you want to find nodes by text, and then enter the text you want to use in the Find operation.

5.If you want to further delimit your search by a Cross Reference Table link, open the Cross Reference Table you want to use now by clicking the Open Table button.

a.If you choose to search for text AND a table link, the Find routine uses the AND operator. In other words, VISION will look for components that contain the text AND that are also linked to the Cross Reference Table item.

6.Check the box "Use table item".

7.Click on the cross reference item you want to use in the Find operation.

8.Click Find. The Find operation will run, and display the results in the Find Results window.