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Steps to Insert Hierarchy Nodes (Without the Assistant)

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TipIf you want to know how to insert hierarchy nodes WITH the Analysis Assistant, see Analyze a Job Position.

To insert a new hierarchy component:

1.Highlight the node in the hierarchy you want to insert something under or next to.

2.From the Workbench Toolbar click one of the following buttons: Insert As Child, Insert As Sibling Above or Insert As Sibling Below.

a.Alternatively, from the Main Menu or right-click menu, click Node Arrow Insert then one of the previous options. See the Example for more details.

3.If you selected the "Insert As Child" command and you are inserting the first child, a window will appear asking you to pick the level name for the child you are inserting. Highlight the desired level name and click the OK button.

4.Type the new component in the text field that will be displayed.

5.Click the OK button. When you are finished, you can resolve any spelling problems by using Spell Check.

Tips for Inserting New Components


Plus1        For placement of the components

Plus1Spell Checking


Plus1Example Answer