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VISION User Guide

The Lists window shows the various lists that are used in VISION, and the items in each. The Lists window is expandable: Using your mouse, grab an edge or corner of the window and stretch it or shrink it.

What are lists?

Lists are similar to tables, in that both tables and lists contain collections of items, and these items are associated with other data records—analysis components, objectives, and so forth.

Lists differ from tables, however, in that they are "built into" VISION. You didn't create them; nor can you delete them.

Also, list items are more intimately associated with data records than are table items. A table item is an external object that becomes associated with a data record by linking the two. A list item, on the other hand, is typically an entry in a dropdown box located directly on a data object workscreen.

For instance, the list item "Completed" is one of the choices in the analysis status dropdown box on the Task's Analysis tab.


You associate the Task with the list item"Completed" by simply selecting that status in the dropdown list. It is not like associating the Task with a table item, which involves linking the Task to something external.

What can I do with lists?

Although you cannot add or delete lists, you can add, delete, and edit items in these lists, or at least in some of them.

Note: Not all the lists are editable, and even those that are editable can be edited by you only if you have been granted permission to edit lists in the Security Program.

Edit List Example

In the Task Properties Workscreen, on the Selection tab, is a dropdown list labeled "How often?"


(This dropdown list is enabled when the check box Is it trained on a recurring basis? is checked.)

Looking at the choices, you see that "Semiannually" is not among them. If you want "Semiannually" to appear here, then you must add it to the "Recurring Training Times" list.

1.In the Lists window (not in the Task Properties workscreen), select the list "Recurring Training Times".

2.Click the New button to add a new item. A "List Item Properties" window opens.

3.Type "Semiannually" in the "Text" box and click OK. Hereafter, "Semiannually" will appear among the choices in the "How Often?" box.

List Window Components

Click on the links below to learn about specific components of the Lists window—or simply right-mouse-click directly on the window components.


These are the internal lists used in VISION. You can't delete these lists, nor can you add new ones. But you can edit some of these lists—adding, deleting, and changing its items (provided you have been granted permission).

Click on a list in this panel to see its items in the adjacent panel.

Note:        Certain lists are non-editable, regardless of your access rights.

Items In Selected List

These are the items in the list selected in the Lists panel, at left. Below the items is a group of buttons—New, Edit, etc.


These buttons are enabled or disabled according to:

which list is currently selected

which item is currently selected

the permissions assigned to your user profile.

Note that protected list items can not be edited or deleted. For instance, a status that indicates a "finished" state for a data object is protected. The "Approved" status for objectives and the "Active" status for questions are two examples.

New List Item

Click this button to create a new item in the selected list. This button is disabled if you don't have permission to edit lists, or if the currently selected list is a non-editable list.

Edit List Item

Click this button to edit the selected list item. This button is enabled only if you have permission to edit lists and the selected list item is one that can be edited.

Delete List Item

Click here to delete the selected list item. This button is enabled only if you have permission to edit lists in general, and the selected list item is one that can be deleted.

When you delete an item that is in use (i.e., associated with one or more data records), VISION will prompt you to pick another item in the same list to replace it. The data records that were linked to the deleted item will now be linked to the replacement.