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VISION User Guide

The Welcome Screen, or the window that opens when you start VISION, has a variety of options, including the project and database, as well as the version of a database you wish to open.


Enter the password that goes with the User Name entered above, for the purpose of connecting to the selected data source.

Tip If this box is disabled, then simply click OK to connect to the data source.

A disabled box means that the connection shown above has been configured to identify you to the data source by your Windows login identity, not by a separate identity that you would otherwise need to type here.

User Name

Enter a user name here to connect (login) to the data source shown above.

Tip If this box is disabled, then simply click OK to connect to the data source.

A disabled box means that the connection shown above has been configured to identify you to the data source by your Windows login identity, not by a separate identity that you would otherwise need to type here. In this case, your Windows login identity is displayed in the disabled box.

Such a connection is available only for Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) databases, not for Oracle databases. It is sometimes called a "trusted" connection, or a connection that is authorized using "Windows NT Authentication".

DSN (Data Source Name)

Choose a database connection. These are the connections have been defined on this computer using the Windows tool ODBC Data Source Administrator.


Database Type

The type of database associated with the data source shown at left:

Oracle or

MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)

Turn on Database Logging

When logging is turned on, VISION will write to a log file every SQL statement sent to the database. The log can aid the vendor in troubleshooting slow performance of the database.

It is recommended that logging only be turned on when troubleshooting a performance problem in VISION, because logging slows down the system.

Single Connection Mode

"Single Connection Mode" is an optional way for VISION users to authenticate (prove their identities) at login. This mode is in effect only if it has been deliberately set up by your VISION administrator.

If "Single Connection Mode" is ON, then log in to VISION using your local area network login credentials. These are normally the same name and password you use for logging in to your computer.

If "Single Connection Mode" is OFF, then log in with your VISION name and password. Or, if the name and password boxes are disabled, just click connect.

The main benefit of Single Connection Mode is eliminating the necessity to set up Oracle or MSSQL database accounts for each and every VISION user.

Under Single Connection Mode (more accurately, "Single-User Connection Mode"), the credentials for each VISION user, which are easily created in the VISION Security program, are utilized only to log in to the VISION program.

Once the VISION program is running, it internally connects to the database NOT as the person who logged in, but using a separate database user account (the single user). This makes it easier to add VISION users, since only one database user is ever needed no matter how many VISION users there are.

For more information on Single Connection Mode, see the document VISION\DOCS\Single Connection.doc.

Service Name or Server

Oracle: The service name associated with the data source shown at left.

MSSQL: The server associated with the data source shown at left.

Database Owner

The owner of the database associated with the data source shown at left.

Connect Button

Click this button to connect to the selected data source.

Cancel Button

Click this button to close VISION.

Pick Past Version

If you want to view a prior state of the database instead of the current state, check this checkbox.

Prior states are view only; they can not be edited.