Click here (or right-click mouse in documents list) for a menu of actions. Some actions pertain to the list of documents in general, while others pertain specifically to the currently selected document.
•Properties: View/edit the properties of the selected link.
•Open Document: Open the document that the selected link points to.
•New Link to Address: Establish a new link between the VISION data object and an Internet document (given by the Internet address).
•New Link to File: Establish a new link between the VISION data object and a file on your computer or local network.
•Open File Explorer: As a simple convenience, this command opens a Windows Explorer window. You can drag and drop files from the Explorer window onto the document links panel in order to establish new links.
•Unlink: Unlink the selected document. This doesn't delete the document.
•Unlink All: Unlink all the documents linked to this VISION data object.
•Approve: Toggle approval of the selected document by checking/unchecking this menu item. Approved means the VISION data object has been certified as consistent with the document it is linked to.
•Set LS Sequence: This sets the order that multiple linked documents appear in the VISION Learning Station, so it is not relevant if there is only one linked document. To see the current LS sequence, reveal the sequence column by right-clicking on the row of column headers, or through the Actions or popup menu.
oThe "Set LS Sequence" action sets that sequence to the current top-to-bottom order now showing. Only the LS-checkmarked documents participate. If you can't see those checkmarks, reveal the "LS" column.
oTo manipulate the current top-to-bottom order, drag the rows around and/or sort them by clicking the column headers.
•Choose Columns: Choose which columns to display. You can also do this by right-clicking on the column headers.
•Reset Columns: Restore the default settings for which columns to display, column positions, column widths, and sort order.
•Refresh Window: Check the linked documents, to update their statuses, which potentially might have changed since this links window was opened.
This panel lists the documents that are linked to this VISION data record. Click either the right mouse button inside the panel or the Actions button for a menu of actions. You can drag and drop files onto this panel to establish document links.
Click on a column header to sort by that column. Right-click on the headers row to choose which columns to display. Drag the headers sideways to reposition the columns. Drag the header dividers sideways to resize the columns. VISION remembers your column arrangement.
To reset the columns to their default positions, widths, etc., choose Reset Columns from the Actions or popup menu.
Click this button to save your changes to the linked document. You can add, change, or delete a document link without taking the node out of Approved status.
Choose what you want to happen when you double-click on any document link in the list above, either open the link or open its properties window. This applies to all document links in VISION, not just the ones for this data object.
VISION remembers your preference, which applies just to you, on this computer.